This town needs an enima.
Ah the train...As I write this, I am underneath the San Francisco bay. Surrounded by people, which is a little odd, considering it's 8:45 in the evening, but it's not like it's crowded.
I get down to the station to find that I've got 11 minutes of standing to do with my computer hung around my back. Well forget that. I'm not ruining my back like that. So, I come up with a brilliant idea. Why not get on the train going the opposite direction and head two stops the other way. This will cut your wait for the train in half! True, I didn't reduce the time of the total trip, but I did make the wait to begin the trip shorter. In other words, I got to sit down sooner.
Those of you from the San Francisco Bay Area are most likely aware of BART, if not a regular user of it, but those of you from elsewhere in the world might not know what I'm talking about. The BART is a rapid transit system, sort of a hybrid of the London underground and the Chicago elevated train. You may have seen the BART in such films as THX 1138, which used the then not yet completed BART system extensively.

No not that Bart!

I've noticed that all subway systems have similarly designed maps, that is they've all got thick coloured lines that don't match the terrain very well. BART's done a good job in recent years of trying to make the map look as much like the actual map as possible, but it's still not perfect and I can remember a time when it wasn't even close.

But, you may ask why I'm on the train at almost 9 in the evening? Well I'll tell you, but I have to transfer at the next stop, so it will have to wait.
*packs computer away and gets off of the Pitsburg/Bay Point train*
Ahh I've transfered. I am now on the Richmond train which is leaving 12th St. Oakland station. I'm one of those people who don't like to tell people they can't sit next to me, yet usually no one wants to anyway. I don't know, maybe it's because I'm bulky? Maybe I smell bad? Maybe I just give off a creepy look (especially today since I haven't shaved, and didn't get to wash my hair this morning so it may be kind of greasy and oily). So it works out, I usually don't have to worry about people sitting next to me on return trips. During Rush Hour maybe, but not at almost 9:00 in the evening.
So, why am I on the train at this hour? I had a night class of course. Human Biology. We actually had a midterm in that class today, which I totally forgot about...had to borrow a scantron from the guy sitting next to me...But I think I did good. Hell, I know I did good, damnit!
However, it is nearing the end of the semester and there are several things that need to be done. I'd like to create a list, put it here, and remove things from the list as they get done. Hang on a minute, I have to make a call for a ride, since I am about 10 minutes from home and i will be in an underground tunnel for almost all of those 10 minutes...
Alright that's done with. Lets get with the list!
Things to do this week:
- Write the damn meterology paper on ball lightning.
- Write the damn film analysis paper of which movie? No idea.
- Observe dad and his media use for the BECA paper.
- Write the damn BECA paper.
- Go to Blackboard and find the biology assignment due on the day of the final.
- Write the damn biology assignment due on the day of the final.
- Go to The Class Schedule and figure out schedule for next semester.
It is now 9:05, just passed the Downtown Berkeley station, on the way to the "Narph" (as Mister Perrero would say) Berkeley station, with my stop, the El Cerrito Plaza station, being the next stop after that.
I hope no one out there can use this information to stalk me and like...I don't know, rape me...(DAMN YOU TELEVISION NEWS! You have me, a 6' tall husky guy worried about getting raped...sad world.) Or jacking my laptop...But in a couple weeks, it's not going to make much of a difference cause the times will be different and my schedule will be totally different. You'd have to like, hang out all day at the Plaza station waiting for me, and most of you barely know what I look like!
So, time for me to get off, It's been a lovely post.

*(Images were found once I got home, post posted when I got home.)
Okay, why does a search for THX and BART gives me this? (Celey, you might not want to click that.) Not one thing to do with BART or THX. But that's a huge cock isn't it?