月曜日, 1月 02, 2006


Woah ya'll! Can you believe it? It's a new year! Already!
2006 here we are.

hey, it's like 2006. In germany...

it's 2006 here now

Noo give me back my 2005!

but 2005 sucked the assy ass.

but 2006 could be so much worse!~

i would prefer that it wasn't

well you can prefer till your ass bleeds but that doesn't mean it wont be the worst year yet.

you have nothing to back that up with though

for all you know, 2006 could be another 1871, and we all know how great 1871 was

Okay so you got me there.

Wee to that. Hey, guess what! I wrote a script! Isn't that cool? Rather than paste it here and try to make it fit in the margins of this blog, I've posted it (and some earlier drafts) on my photo holder blog. Check it yo!~

It's still in rough draft stages, but its the first time I've made it through all 10 parts of the story. When I started writing it there wasn't supposed to be more than one part...Just kind of worked out that way. It will make a nice little web series, don't you think?

Oh and incase anyone doesn't understand screenplay format, here's an amusing link
which describes most grammer and syntax of such a format in the industry standard.

It wasn't supposed to be so long, but it kind of grew to be that long. This will be filmed before the end of this year. This will be my practice movie. And it will be awesome. Just you wait.

I suspect that it will be presented on RumAndCookies and hosted by Google Video. Just you wait!