"Are you gonna be my motherfucker?"
I'm having trouble picking a title for this post. Should it be something like U-Rah-Rah-Rah? Some obscure movie title? Or something random I just discovered? I went with random.
I came close to saying "do the humpty-hump"

Okay it's been a little while folks! Not too long I suppose, but still...
I think something special is deserved, for you, the loyal reader. This month was the 1 year aniversary of my blog! Isn't that frickin' cool?
Not only that, but soon, very soon, maybe even by the time I click publish, this blog will have 3000 hits! It's not that impressive, but it is for me! So something special is in order: Today I am going to chronicle my most recent trip to Wisconsin.
You might ask, "Why go to wisconsin in the middle of October?"
I'll tell you why, cause my family is fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
This whole thing kinda started last year, which was my grandparent's 60th wedding aniversary. I have only been to Wisconsin 3 times in my life now, and the first time was for their 50th. Now here's how fucked up our family is, their aniversary was last year, and we just got there this year. I don't know the whole story but the way I heard it, my rich republican (but they're good people, really) relatives, for one reason or another, didn't want or couldn't go to Wisconsin last year. So naturally, we didn't go either. And no one else went.
Now, since then, my grandmother has had hip surgery and my grandfather has had like tripple bypass surgery, and the way the republicans figure it, this may be our last chance to see them alive all together. And they decide to go in the middle of october. Why? Cause they're fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
But they made up their minds to go to wisconsin and then they didn't tell anybody. WTF? They told us it was official like two months ago or something, like too late to get a good deal on a plane ticket. Of course they dont give a shit about that, they can get plane tickets with their frequent flyer miles. So kind of republican of them, no? But I'm not here to slam republicans. Some of them are good people and you can't deny that. But they're just fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
Now I'm going to back track a little, as you know from an earlier post if you're paying attention to this blog, you know I had to write a film proposal for a series of still photographs to represent a movie I might make. Okay, so I wrote this ghost story, and I like that a bit...I bet I will get around to making that some day, but I figured I could do better documenting this trip I took. So I took a lot of pictures!
Now I have to decide, do I attempt to do the project right here, right now? Or do I continue with a blog post style post that you're all familer with. Thinking about it, I realized the only thing I want to talk about occurs after I ran out of film, so that sounds good. I will now attempt to make a story using the photographs. Try to imagine them as consecutive shots in a movie. I also need to come up with a title, please help me with that (you can leave comments, or post suggestions in the venis board topic I will inevitably start).
You know, this sounds too hard. I've moved on and turned it in already, but that doesn't mean it doesn't belong here. Click this link to see it. It's a little too big to put on here directly. However, if you really like it, you can go ahead and use it as your desktop or wallpaper!
Let's see if I can solicit some extra hits from this. I'm just going to say a couple things to try and get hits! Big booty bitches wallpaper. Hardcore teen wallpaper. Me so horny wallpaper. Lum wallpaper. Urusei Yatsura wallpaper. I think that's enough.
But yeah, the story was printed out on a nice big poster and turned in one week from today, wednesday the 23rd. It can also be seen in slideshow form from our friends at google video!
Long Days Night
But this ends just as our characters (which in actuality were my parents...and I was there too) arrive at their destination! So what happened after that? To be honest I've kind of forgotten...Let's see what I remember.
Oh! This is my chance to share the pictures I couldn't use in the project! Yay.
We flew overnight. On the plane, dad ruined this shot's chances of making it into the project by looking at the camera. I blame myself. I should have known better.
I always enjoyed flying, but it's not always easy to avoid sleep. At about 3 or 4 in the morning, we were sitting in Chicago O'hare. I was starving...And right by our gate was a McDonnalds!
Mmm Hmm...so good. Right. I do love a good hashbrown.
As the sun rised we got on our plane (pictured in the project) and I boarded the smallest plane I'd ever sat on. In fact, I suspect I was too heavy for the plane, and they had to re-adjust some of the passengers to the back of the plane...that's really too bad. Oh well...I wasn't getting up.
On this plane was a flight attendant. He was a nice guy...and he did the saftey lecture with about the same enthusiasm as David Spade did in Tommy Boy. Eventually he asked about my camera, and I told him about my project...and he lit up! He wanted to be in it...Unfortuneatly I couldn't fit him in, but I told him I'd send him his picture...He wrote his email on a peice of news paper and gave it to me. I honestly wanted to send it to him, but I lost the peice of paper...I still feel bad about that over a month later. But eh, karma is karma and a little while ago I saw Al Franken, and got his autograph. I was standing in line with this guy who went to my school, and with his camera he took my picture standing near Mr. Franken. I gave him my email and he said he would send it. Well, karma is karma.
Just incase he figures out who I am somehow, here's his picture.
Once we got there, we spent an awful lot of time in Milwalkee. It wasn't a bad town or anything, but damn! We were only supposed to be there for 4 days so, I was thinking it's time to go! We don't have time to hang out at a fucking deli.
It was a long drive to Madison from Milwalkee. BUT I GOT SHOTGUN CAUSE I'M A PIMP! We then went to a bar. A bar....Jesus. And we spent way too much time there. I did get a nice burger though, it was pretty good. Here's a couple pictures from this bar, Dotty Dumplings.
EVENTUALLY we make it to Vince and Carol's house, as pictured in the project. Here's a picture from their house that didn't make it in the project:
(the rest of the photos made it into the video version of the project, so please watch that.)
It was around this point I ran out of film. We were only there for 1 day and I had already run out of film! How am I going to do my project? Well, I made the project about the flight only...but a lot more happened after that.
The next day I'm woken up and my mom is like "let's go get some shoes!"
Well, we went and got some shoes.
After that, I was taken to a Wisconsin Badger game.
[14:52] Edcool1: oh and you haven't seen a football game till you see a university of wisconsin game
[14:52] koolaidehurts: our homecoming is this weekend
[14:52] Edcool1: yeah
[14:52] Edcool1: i went to the homecoming game
[14:53] Edcool1: it was an experience i'll never forget
[14:53] Edcool1: for like 12 blocks surrounding the stadium
[14:53] Edcool1: everyone was wearing red
[14:53] Edcool1: and it was packed
[14:53] Edcool1: thousands of people
[14:53] koolaidehurts: jesus
[14:53] Edcool1: and most peopleare drinking
[14:54] Edcool1: and also
[14:54] Edcool1: once you get inside the stadium
[14:54] Edcool1: it was allllll red
[14:54] Edcool1: everyone was red
[14:54] Edcool1: there were like 12 people for the other team down by their endzone
[14:55] Edcool1: and they got booed so bad
[14:55] koolaidehurts: lol
[14:55] Edcool1: there's a whole area of the stadium just for the students
[14:55] Edcool1: they don't sit down for the whole game
[14:55] Edcool1: they have their chants down perfect
[14:55] Edcool1: they started a wave
[14:55] Edcool1: and then they did a slow wave
[14:56] Edcool1: and then they did a fast one
[14:56] koolaidehurts: holy crap
[14:56] koolaidehurts: lol
[14:56] Edcool1: then they did it in reverse
[14:56] koolaidehurts: thats how our high school games were
[14:56] Edcool1: lol
[14:56] Edcool1: jeez
[14:56] Edcool1: el cerrito had terrible football games
[14:56] Edcool1: lol
[14:56] Edcool1: i've never seen anything like this
[14:56] Edcool1: also
[14:56] Edcool1: i cant imagine what it'd be like to be a fan of perdu
[14:56] Edcool1: purdue
[14:57] Edcool1: whatever
[14:57] Edcool1: lol
[14:57] koolaidehurts: lol
[14:57] Edcool1: do you know what its like to have literally half the stadium chanting in unison "you suck and we're gonna get you, and you and you and you and you"
[14:57] Edcool1: u rah rah rah
[14:58] Edcool1: and then there was like
[14:58] Edcool1: every time the team got a tucndown
[14:58] Edcool1: touchdown*
[14:58] Edcool1: the marching band played the
[14:58] Edcool1: whatever it was
[14:58] Edcool1: lol
[14:58] Edcool1: by the way
[14:58] Edcool1: my grandpa had a beer bottle opener that played that song
[14:58] Edcool1: lol
[14:58] Edcool1: oh my god
[14:58] Edcool1: i cant even describe it
[14:59] Edcool1: you have no idea how into it they were
[14:59] Edcool1: it was a sight to see
[15:00] Edcool1: and they won too
[15:00] Edcool1: so that's a plus
[15:00] Edcool1: lol
[15:00] Edcool1: oh
[15:00] Edcool1: like in the third quarter
[15:00] Edcool1: they started playing that song
[15:00] Edcool1: where its like
[15:01] Edcool1: "jump around, jump around, jump jump jump"
[15:01] Edcool1: and so on
[15:01] Edcool1: and half the fucking stadium
[15:01] Edcool1: bouncing up and down
[15:01] koolaidehurts: jeez
[15:01] Edcool1: you'd swear there was an earthquake
[15:01] Edcool1: its amazing the place is still standing
[15:01] Edcool1: and then the perdu players on the field started jumping up and down
[15:01] Edcool1: that was funny
[15:01] Edcool1: lol
[15:02] Edcool1: i'm sure they had to appriciate it
[15:02] Edcool1: gosh its hard for me to go back to school after a trip like that
[15:03] Edcool1: i want to go back to wisconsin
[15:03] Edcool1: lol
[15:03] Edcool1: shauna was the only one who wasn't there
[15:03] Edcool1: that bitch
[15:03] Edcool1: lol
I'm glad I didn't have to type all that again. Incase you don't believe me here's some journalistic proof that this stuff actually happened:
http://www.news.wisc.edu/story.php?id=8907 <-- jump around http://www.uwbadgers.com/traditions/notables.aspx <-- traditions Before the game was wacky... We went with my uncle Vince, uncle Dave, dad, their uncle Jack, me and my cousin Tera. All through the game she seemed a little distant? Well, I'll get into that in a little bit. Outside the stadium, they went to this place that has beer and broughtworst. Yum right? It was so crowded...you couldn't move, I swear. I then look to my right and there's this semitrailer...And on it it said ilovefruitcake.com.
It's like wow.

Also around this time, I looked up at the stadium, and in the sky above it was none other than the OUTBACK BLIMP!
This could only mean that Yahoo Serious was involved in some way, and that frightens me. He seems to follow me no matter where I go...First Seattle, then here, now Wisconsin. This man is like an evil empire.

After the game, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's. Played Scrabble. Ate entirely too much food. It was fun. Then I pushed forward the idea for us to go bowling!
Last time we were in Wisconsin, we all went bowling and it was fun. So why not again? And it was, even if the damn bowling alley didn't have any worth while balls...I took the opourtunity to practice my curve. When we finished, my cousin Eric (erich?) lit off a fuckin' huge firework! went on for like 5 minutes! IN A DENNY'S PARKING LOT! It went high. I am sure Yahoo Serious could see it from his blimp. TEACH HIM TO FUCK WITH US! BEYATCH!
THEN everyone went to Vince and Carol's house for more partying and drinking and crap like that. Eric brought these huge bottle rockets. We lit a couple off near the house and it was hilarious.
They start to light one, and what is clearly an unmarked police car rolls by as the fuse goes off...FOOOSH! Everybody runs. Trissy and Uncle Rick have already lit another one, as I run in the opposite direction I see a flash of light and my shadow as I run...it was so fun. We hid behind some dude's house, then went back to their house. We shot more off, one went over some dudes house and exploded on the roof...
Anyway, they had killed all 4 of the 24 packs they had bought...No way! So they go get more beer. Can you believe that? Jesus.
My family is fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
So I was getting tired, being the only one not drinking I had nothing better to do, so I go lay down on their couch. I'm not sleepy, just running from the police had kinda twisted my ankle. So I watch as the rest of my family does whatever it is they do. My dad and uncle jam, dad on the harmonica, vince on the guitar while my cousin Tory busts a flow. He's an underground rapper, did you know? And this continues for a while...And Tera sits down next to Kerwin and starts one of her intoxicatedly intelectual converstations. I remember she did this at our last family reunion in Santa Cruz. She got drunk and started talking to Uncle Vince about his tour in Veitnam. She asked all these questions....but being so god damn drunk and full of herself she wouldn't let my drunken uncle answer any of her questions! WHY EVEN ASK! Anyway, she was doing the same thing here, only with Kerwin about her life. She also seems to have got mad at my mom and me for letting out the secret that she's been in a relationship with one of her cousins at UC Davis for a while now.
SHE HAS SEX WITH HER FUCKING JUICER COUSIN, she doesn't have the right to get mad at us for letting the secret out. Sick bitch. I'm not mad though, and she is part of my family after all. I love 'em all, no matter how fucking nuts they are.
Happy 3000 hits!

Oh, movies!
I saw Jesus Is Magic and it was pretty good.
I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and it was fucking great. Go see it. Go see it again. Amazing.
The end.
I came close to saying "do the humpty-hump"

Okay it's been a little while folks! Not too long I suppose, but still...
I think something special is deserved, for you, the loyal reader. This month was the 1 year aniversary of my blog! Isn't that frickin' cool?
Not only that, but soon, very soon, maybe even by the time I click publish, this blog will have 3000 hits! It's not that impressive, but it is for me! So something special is in order: Today I am going to chronicle my most recent trip to Wisconsin.
You might ask, "Why go to wisconsin in the middle of October?"
I'll tell you why, cause my family is fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
This whole thing kinda started last year, which was my grandparent's 60th wedding aniversary. I have only been to Wisconsin 3 times in my life now, and the first time was for their 50th. Now here's how fucked up our family is, their aniversary was last year, and we just got there this year. I don't know the whole story but the way I heard it, my rich republican (but they're good people, really) relatives, for one reason or another, didn't want or couldn't go to Wisconsin last year. So naturally, we didn't go either. And no one else went.
Now, since then, my grandmother has had hip surgery and my grandfather has had like tripple bypass surgery, and the way the republicans figure it, this may be our last chance to see them alive all together. And they decide to go in the middle of october. Why? Cause they're fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
But they made up their minds to go to wisconsin and then they didn't tell anybody. WTF? They told us it was official like two months ago or something, like too late to get a good deal on a plane ticket. Of course they dont give a shit about that, they can get plane tickets with their frequent flyer miles. So kind of republican of them, no? But I'm not here to slam republicans. Some of them are good people and you can't deny that. But they're just fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
Now I'm going to back track a little, as you know from an earlier post if you're paying attention to this blog, you know I had to write a film proposal for a series of still photographs to represent a movie I might make. Okay, so I wrote this ghost story, and I like that a bit...I bet I will get around to making that some day, but I figured I could do better documenting this trip I took. So I took a lot of pictures!
Now I have to decide, do I attempt to do the project right here, right now? Or do I continue with a blog post style post that you're all familer with. Thinking about it, I realized the only thing I want to talk about occurs after I ran out of film, so that sounds good. I will now attempt to make a story using the photographs. Try to imagine them as consecutive shots in a movie. I also need to come up with a title, please help me with that (you can leave comments, or post suggestions in the venis board topic I will inevitably start).
You know, this sounds too hard. I've moved on and turned it in already, but that doesn't mean it doesn't belong here. Click this link to see it. It's a little too big to put on here directly. However, if you really like it, you can go ahead and use it as your desktop or wallpaper!
Let's see if I can solicit some extra hits from this. I'm just going to say a couple things to try and get hits! Big booty bitches wallpaper. Hardcore teen wallpaper. Me so horny wallpaper. Lum wallpaper. Urusei Yatsura wallpaper. I think that's enough.
But yeah, the story was printed out on a nice big poster and turned in one week from today, wednesday the 23rd. It can also be seen in slideshow form from our friends at google video!
Long Days Night
But this ends just as our characters (which in actuality were my parents...and I was there too) arrive at their destination! So what happened after that? To be honest I've kind of forgotten...Let's see what I remember.
Oh! This is my chance to share the pictures I couldn't use in the project! Yay.
We flew overnight. On the plane, dad ruined this shot's chances of making it into the project by looking at the camera. I blame myself. I should have known better.
I always enjoyed flying, but it's not always easy to avoid sleep. At about 3 or 4 in the morning, we were sitting in Chicago O'hare. I was starving...And right by our gate was a McDonnalds!
Mmm Hmm...so good. Right. I do love a good hashbrown.
As the sun rised we got on our plane (pictured in the project) and I boarded the smallest plane I'd ever sat on. In fact, I suspect I was too heavy for the plane, and they had to re-adjust some of the passengers to the back of the plane...that's really too bad. Oh well...I wasn't getting up.
On this plane was a flight attendant. He was a nice guy...and he did the saftey lecture with about the same enthusiasm as David Spade did in Tommy Boy. Eventually he asked about my camera, and I told him about my project...and he lit up! He wanted to be in it...Unfortuneatly I couldn't fit him in, but I told him I'd send him his picture...He wrote his email on a peice of news paper and gave it to me. I honestly wanted to send it to him, but I lost the peice of paper...I still feel bad about that over a month later. But eh, karma is karma and a little while ago I saw Al Franken, and got his autograph. I was standing in line with this guy who went to my school, and with his camera he took my picture standing near Mr. Franken. I gave him my email and he said he would send it. Well, karma is karma.
Just incase he figures out who I am somehow, here's his picture.
Once we got there, we spent an awful lot of time in Milwalkee. It wasn't a bad town or anything, but damn! We were only supposed to be there for 4 days so, I was thinking it's time to go! We don't have time to hang out at a fucking deli.
It was a long drive to Madison from Milwalkee. BUT I GOT SHOTGUN CAUSE I'M A PIMP! We then went to a bar. A bar....Jesus. And we spent way too much time there. I did get a nice burger though, it was pretty good. Here's a couple pictures from this bar, Dotty Dumplings.
EVENTUALLY we make it to Vince and Carol's house, as pictured in the project. Here's a picture from their house that didn't make it in the project:
(the rest of the photos made it into the video version of the project, so please watch that.)
It was around this point I ran out of film. We were only there for 1 day and I had already run out of film! How am I going to do my project? Well, I made the project about the flight only...but a lot more happened after that.
The next day I'm woken up and my mom is like "let's go get some shoes!"
Well, we went and got some shoes.
After that, I was taken to a Wisconsin Badger game.
[14:52] Edcool1: oh and you haven't seen a football game till you see a university of wisconsin game
[14:52] koolaidehurts: our homecoming is this weekend
[14:52] Edcool1: yeah
[14:52] Edcool1: i went to the homecoming game
[14:53] Edcool1: it was an experience i'll never forget
[14:53] Edcool1: for like 12 blocks surrounding the stadium
[14:53] Edcool1: everyone was wearing red
[14:53] Edcool1: and it was packed
[14:53] Edcool1: thousands of people
[14:53] koolaidehurts: jesus
[14:53] Edcool1: and most peopleare drinking
[14:54] Edcool1: and also
[14:54] Edcool1: once you get inside the stadium
[14:54] Edcool1: it was allllll red
[14:54] Edcool1: everyone was red
[14:54] Edcool1: there were like 12 people for the other team down by their endzone
[14:55] Edcool1: and they got booed so bad
[14:55] koolaidehurts: lol
[14:55] Edcool1: there's a whole area of the stadium just for the students
[14:55] Edcool1: they don't sit down for the whole game
[14:55] Edcool1: they have their chants down perfect
[14:55] Edcool1: they started a wave
[14:55] Edcool1: and then they did a slow wave
[14:56] Edcool1: and then they did a fast one
[14:56] koolaidehurts: holy crap
[14:56] koolaidehurts: lol
[14:56] Edcool1: then they did it in reverse
[14:56] koolaidehurts: thats how our high school games were
[14:56] Edcool1: lol
[14:56] Edcool1: jeez
[14:56] Edcool1: el cerrito had terrible football games
[14:56] Edcool1: lol
[14:56] Edcool1: i've never seen anything like this
[14:56] Edcool1: also
[14:56] Edcool1: i cant imagine what it'd be like to be a fan of perdu
[14:56] Edcool1: purdue
[14:57] Edcool1: whatever
[14:57] Edcool1: lol
[14:57] koolaidehurts: lol
[14:57] Edcool1: do you know what its like to have literally half the stadium chanting in unison "you suck and we're gonna get you, and you and you and you and you"
[14:57] Edcool1: u rah rah rah
[14:58] Edcool1: and then there was like
[14:58] Edcool1: every time the team got a tucndown
[14:58] Edcool1: touchdown*
[14:58] Edcool1: the marching band played the
[14:58] Edcool1: whatever it was
[14:58] Edcool1: lol
[14:58] Edcool1: by the way
[14:58] Edcool1: my grandpa had a beer bottle opener that played that song
[14:58] Edcool1: lol
[14:58] Edcool1: oh my god
[14:58] Edcool1: i cant even describe it
[14:59] Edcool1: you have no idea how into it they were
[14:59] Edcool1: it was a sight to see
[15:00] Edcool1: and they won too
[15:00] Edcool1: so that's a plus
[15:00] Edcool1: lol
[15:00] Edcool1: oh
[15:00] Edcool1: like in the third quarter
[15:00] Edcool1: they started playing that song
[15:00] Edcool1: where its like
[15:01] Edcool1: "jump around, jump around, jump jump jump"
[15:01] Edcool1: and so on
[15:01] Edcool1: and half the fucking stadium
[15:01] Edcool1: bouncing up and down
[15:01] koolaidehurts: jeez
[15:01] Edcool1: you'd swear there was an earthquake
[15:01] Edcool1: its amazing the place is still standing
[15:01] Edcool1: and then the perdu players on the field started jumping up and down
[15:01] Edcool1: that was funny
[15:01] Edcool1: lol
[15:02] Edcool1: i'm sure they had to appriciate it
[15:02] Edcool1: gosh its hard for me to go back to school after a trip like that
[15:03] Edcool1: i want to go back to wisconsin
[15:03] Edcool1: lol
[15:03] Edcool1: shauna was the only one who wasn't there
[15:03] Edcool1: that bitch
[15:03] Edcool1: lol
I'm glad I didn't have to type all that again. Incase you don't believe me here's some journalistic proof that this stuff actually happened:
http://www.news.wisc.edu/story.php?id=8907 <-- jump around http://www.uwbadgers.com/traditions/notables.aspx <-- traditions Before the game was wacky... We went with my uncle Vince, uncle Dave, dad, their uncle Jack, me and my cousin Tera. All through the game she seemed a little distant? Well, I'll get into that in a little bit. Outside the stadium, they went to this place that has beer and broughtworst. Yum right? It was so crowded...you couldn't move, I swear. I then look to my right and there's this semitrailer...And on it it said ilovefruitcake.com.
It's like wow.

Also around this time, I looked up at the stadium, and in the sky above it was none other than the OUTBACK BLIMP!
This could only mean that Yahoo Serious was involved in some way, and that frightens me. He seems to follow me no matter where I go...First Seattle, then here, now Wisconsin. This man is like an evil empire.

After the game, we went to Grandma and Grandpa's. Played Scrabble. Ate entirely too much food. It was fun. Then I pushed forward the idea for us to go bowling!
Last time we were in Wisconsin, we all went bowling and it was fun. So why not again? And it was, even if the damn bowling alley didn't have any worth while balls...I took the opourtunity to practice my curve. When we finished, my cousin Eric (erich?) lit off a fuckin' huge firework! went on for like 5 minutes! IN A DENNY'S PARKING LOT! It went high. I am sure Yahoo Serious could see it from his blimp. TEACH HIM TO FUCK WITH US! BEYATCH!
THEN everyone went to Vince and Carol's house for more partying and drinking and crap like that. Eric brought these huge bottle rockets. We lit a couple off near the house and it was hilarious.
They start to light one, and what is clearly an unmarked police car rolls by as the fuse goes off...FOOOSH! Everybody runs. Trissy and Uncle Rick have already lit another one, as I run in the opposite direction I see a flash of light and my shadow as I run...it was so fun. We hid behind some dude's house, then went back to their house. We shot more off, one went over some dudes house and exploded on the roof...
Anyway, they had killed all 4 of the 24 packs they had bought...No way! So they go get more beer. Can you believe that? Jesus.
My family is fucking nuts.
But I love them, really.
So I was getting tired, being the only one not drinking I had nothing better to do, so I go lay down on their couch. I'm not sleepy, just running from the police had kinda twisted my ankle. So I watch as the rest of my family does whatever it is they do. My dad and uncle jam, dad on the harmonica, vince on the guitar while my cousin Tory busts a flow. He's an underground rapper, did you know? And this continues for a while...And Tera sits down next to Kerwin and starts one of her intoxicatedly intelectual converstations. I remember she did this at our last family reunion in Santa Cruz. She got drunk and started talking to Uncle Vince about his tour in Veitnam. She asked all these questions....but being so god damn drunk and full of herself she wouldn't let my drunken uncle answer any of her questions! WHY EVEN ASK! Anyway, she was doing the same thing here, only with Kerwin about her life. She also seems to have got mad at my mom and me for letting out the secret that she's been in a relationship with one of her cousins at UC Davis for a while now.
SHE HAS SEX WITH HER FUCKING JUICER COUSIN, she doesn't have the right to get mad at us for letting the secret out. Sick bitch. I'm not mad though, and she is part of my family after all. I love 'em all, no matter how fucking nuts they are.
Happy 3000 hits!

Oh, movies!
I saw Jesus Is Magic and it was pretty good.
I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and it was fucking great. Go see it. Go see it again. Amazing.
The end.
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