Okay this one is for real.
I'm really getting lazy with my posts here...I'm workin' on it. Give me a break.
Lets get into some random photos! I accidentaly made all of them a little too big...so they may look crappy here. Just click on 'em and you should see em full size. I realize that I should probably be doing homework instead of this...but what fun is that? Enjoy.
Recently, I decided to go for shooting with some slide film, cause I wanted to see how it was different. I also went by my old high school and took some pictures with it. Here's some, how'd they turn out?
There was so much rebar.

It's what's left of the basement in El Cerrito High School. This hall used to contain both the radio and photography classrooms.
Also, sometime last summer I got inspired to take some photos with some high speed black and white film. So, here we are with that:
What good would a photo blog post be without a picture of me? Well, you can tell why it's small...
Hey! It's sarah!
I have some more pictures of my mom and dad, but I don't feel like posting each one. So now I'm going to finish it off with some photos shot at night with my little digital camera.

YOU DAMN STONER! Stop looking at this damn marijuana plant lit with a hand held flashlight! No, I don't know where that was taken ;)
Thanks for watchin. Comment on these, eh? Either here or on Flickr. Up to you, of course. I appriciate it though.
Lets get into some random photos! I accidentaly made all of them a little too big...so they may look crappy here. Just click on 'em and you should see em full size. I realize that I should probably be doing homework instead of this...but what fun is that? Enjoy.
Recently, I decided to go for shooting with some slide film, cause I wanted to see how it was different. I also went by my old high school and took some pictures with it. Here's some, how'd they turn out?
There was so much rebar.

It's what's left of the basement in El Cerrito High School. This hall used to contain both the radio and photography classrooms.
Also, sometime last summer I got inspired to take some photos with some high speed black and white film. So, here we are with that:

I have some more pictures of my mom and dad, but I don't feel like posting each one. So now I'm going to finish it off with some photos shot at night with my little digital camera.

YOU DAMN STONER! Stop looking at this damn marijuana plant lit with a hand held flashlight! No, I don't know where that was taken ;)
Thanks for watchin. Comment on these, eh? Either here or on Flickr. Up to you, of course. I appriciate it though.
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