Highway to the DANGER ZONE!
Okay, I didn't get all the guest posts I wanted (I still expect them soon, so you should too) but I think it's safe to say it's time I returned to the blogosphere.
It's a bit late in the game for me to attempt any type of movie reviews. How bout a quickie two second review for each of the movies I've seen since I last reviewed? Okay!
Batman Begins
War of the Worlds
Sky High
Pretty Clever.
Hustle and Flow
I miss when the clubhouse was like that.
Okay moving on...
Other things that have happened since I last blogged frequently...
THE KIDS AT TF GRADUATED! Good for them, whoo. Too long ago to remember anything worth talking about...There are pictures but...hmm...I'm lazy.
FANIME! Was fun, but I tore up my feet and didn't really buy anything...Got hooked on at least two (COUNT 'EM, TWO!) shows. Yakitate! Japan and BECK. I also saw a show with Guu in the title...which I haven't really got hooked on until now. May talk about it later. There are pictures from Fanime, but I'm lazy.
I went to the Harry Potter book selling thing at midnight with Connie, Isabel and Sarah. It was fun. Though I didn't buy the book because I had already pre-ordered it and it would be on my front door later that day. There was one of those spaghetti band things...or whatever they are, that said I was there...But I was stupid and Sarah kept it...Hopefully someday I'll get that thing. There are pictures but I'm lazy.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Two of them anyway. Of course, this is the reason for the guest postage you've been into lately if you're reading my blog. Which you probably aren't. Sigh. Anyway, I was on drugs so, guest posts are fun. I FRICKIN LOURVE VICODIN! Only when I need it though. Strangely enough there aren't any pictures of this. You'd think I'd take a photo of all the blood in the toilet, but I was just too out of it. Oh well, your loss I suppose.
And finally, my birthday. August 6th, 2005. 60 years ago, this was a time of horrific tradgedy. The first time an atomic weapon was ever used against living people. Being born 40 years after such an event...well. I guess I should start to get used to my birthdays sucking for the rest of my life. Just to make things easier. It was still pretty fun, even if things did go terribly wrong. There are pictures, and since it's fresh in my mind, I will share them with you.
This was this morning, before we left for Paramount's Great America. Long story short, I was too fat to ride the rides. So I sat and waited while my dad, my cousin and her uh, whatever you want to call him actually rode the rides. I am very glad I made it a family affair. I would not have had fun in this situation if it were my friends riding the rides without me...
But it wasn't all bad. I had fun, still. I could ride the log ride.

Also, since I wasn't doing the rides, I got to enjoy carnie stuff a bit more. Dad started it by winning a football. Then I followed that by winning a basketball (way cooler than a football). Which was followed by Shauna winning a Homer Simpson Doll. Which was then followed by dad winning a fruity stingray. And then finally I won a pimp hat playing the guess your weight game.
Guess your weight game after being kicked off of roller coasters 'cause I was too fat. Isn't it ironic?
I'm usually pretty good at the guess your weight thing. Means I look better than I actually am...Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but hey whatever. However, it was no contest as this girl doing the guessing was a fucking retard. No offence, nice girl and all...but she could not guess a persons age, weight or birthday. Not even close. I thought I had a good chance at winning the guess your birthday game, who would have guessed it was actually my birthday? But it was easiest to win with weight. And I wanted that pimp hat.
Dispite my weight problem, I had a good time at Great America. I just have to remember never to go back until I either lose 150 pounds or shrink a few feet in height. There were people fatter than me getting on the rides, but because they were short they could do it. Kinda sucks, you know? I got a kick out of the sign that said "Unusually proportioned people may not be able to ride this ride" even if it did almost feel like a "whites only" sign. Made me want to sue the bastards...
In the end we didn't complain though. Far too tired. Dad actually rode all the rides. Good for him.
I learned that I want a Japanese stick shift so I can hold the wheel with my right hand. I WANNA DRIVE ON THE LEFT!
When we got home, mom put out a wonderful spread. Good food, and an EXCELENT CAKE! I'm talking perfect. Just look at it!
For some reason, mom has a thing for bunny-shaped cakes. Go figure. I don't care, it was fucking awesome cake.
There were strawberries and ice cream and wonderful frosting...mmmmMMMmmMMMmMMmMmmMMMMM.
I liked it.
And mom actually got 20 candles for me! I don't think I've ever had a birthday cake with candles shaped like numbers on it before. It was nice. I love my mom so much.
Me with my pimp sombrero

Just check out my shwag!
And that was my birthday. I feel bad for being responsible for so much money being spent...I feel bad that I chose to go to Great America, somehow having the idea that I haven't grown in 5 years...But no more dwelling on Bad News Bears. There were two (COUNT 'EM, TWO!) posters for the new movie at the place. TWO! Jeez. I'm out for now, ya'll.
Angie I still expect a guest post from you. You don't have to make a pulitzer prize winning blog post okay? Just make a damn post already!
Tim! I know you have had some trouble getting online lately, but I'd still like a guest post from you if you can manage it.
Isabel! Need one from you too. Get off your lazy ass, gurl!
And with that, I say goodnight.
It's a bit late in the game for me to attempt any type of movie reviews. How bout a quickie two second review for each of the movies I've seen since I last reviewed? Okay!
Batman Begins
War of the Worlds
Sky High
Pretty Clever.
Hustle and Flow
I miss when the clubhouse was like that.
Okay moving on...
Other things that have happened since I last blogged frequently...
THE KIDS AT TF GRADUATED! Good for them, whoo. Too long ago to remember anything worth talking about...There are pictures but...hmm...I'm lazy.
FANIME! Was fun, but I tore up my feet and didn't really buy anything...Got hooked on at least two (COUNT 'EM, TWO!) shows. Yakitate! Japan and BECK. I also saw a show with Guu in the title...which I haven't really got hooked on until now. May talk about it later. There are pictures from Fanime, but I'm lazy.
I went to the Harry Potter book selling thing at midnight with Connie, Isabel and Sarah. It was fun. Though I didn't buy the book because I had already pre-ordered it and it would be on my front door later that day. There was one of those spaghetti band things...or whatever they are, that said I was there...But I was stupid and Sarah kept it...Hopefully someday I'll get that thing. There are pictures but I'm lazy.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled. Two of them anyway. Of course, this is the reason for the guest postage you've been into lately if you're reading my blog. Which you probably aren't. Sigh. Anyway, I was on drugs so, guest posts are fun. I FRICKIN LOURVE VICODIN! Only when I need it though. Strangely enough there aren't any pictures of this. You'd think I'd take a photo of all the blood in the toilet, but I was just too out of it. Oh well, your loss I suppose.
And finally, my birthday. August 6th, 2005. 60 years ago, this was a time of horrific tradgedy. The first time an atomic weapon was ever used against living people. Being born 40 years after such an event...well. I guess I should start to get used to my birthdays sucking for the rest of my life. Just to make things easier. It was still pretty fun, even if things did go terribly wrong. There are pictures, and since it's fresh in my mind, I will share them with you.
This was this morning, before we left for Paramount's Great America. Long story short, I was too fat to ride the rides. So I sat and waited while my dad, my cousin and her uh, whatever you want to call him actually rode the rides. I am very glad I made it a family affair. I would not have had fun in this situation if it were my friends riding the rides without me...
But it wasn't all bad. I had fun, still. I could ride the log ride.

Also, since I wasn't doing the rides, I got to enjoy carnie stuff a bit more. Dad started it by winning a football. Then I followed that by winning a basketball (way cooler than a football). Which was followed by Shauna winning a Homer Simpson Doll. Which was then followed by dad winning a fruity stingray. And then finally I won a pimp hat playing the guess your weight game.
Guess your weight game after being kicked off of roller coasters 'cause I was too fat. Isn't it ironic?
I'm usually pretty good at the guess your weight thing. Means I look better than I actually am...Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but hey whatever. However, it was no contest as this girl doing the guessing was a fucking retard. No offence, nice girl and all...but she could not guess a persons age, weight or birthday. Not even close. I thought I had a good chance at winning the guess your birthday game, who would have guessed it was actually my birthday? But it was easiest to win with weight. And I wanted that pimp hat.
Dispite my weight problem, I had a good time at Great America. I just have to remember never to go back until I either lose 150 pounds or shrink a few feet in height. There were people fatter than me getting on the rides, but because they were short they could do it. Kinda sucks, you know? I got a kick out of the sign that said "Unusually proportioned people may not be able to ride this ride" even if it did almost feel like a "whites only" sign. Made me want to sue the bastards...
In the end we didn't complain though. Far too tired. Dad actually rode all the rides. Good for him.
I learned that I want a Japanese stick shift so I can hold the wheel with my right hand. I WANNA DRIVE ON THE LEFT!
When we got home, mom put out a wonderful spread. Good food, and an EXCELENT CAKE! I'm talking perfect. Just look at it!

There were strawberries and ice cream and wonderful frosting...mmmmMMMmmMMMmMMmMmmMMMMM.
I liked it.
And mom actually got 20 candles for me! I don't think I've ever had a birthday cake with candles shaped like numbers on it before. It was nice. I love my mom so much.

Just check out my shwag!
And that was my birthday. I feel bad for being responsible for so much money being spent...I feel bad that I chose to go to Great America, somehow having the idea that I haven't grown in 5 years...But no more dwelling on Bad News Bears. There were two (COUNT 'EM, TWO!) posters for the new movie at the place. TWO! Jeez. I'm out for now, ya'll.
Angie I still expect a guest post from you. You don't have to make a pulitzer prize winning blog post okay? Just make a damn post already!
Tim! I know you have had some trouble getting online lately, but I'd still like a guest post from you if you can manage it.
Isabel! Need one from you too. Get off your lazy ass, gurl!
And with that, I say goodnight.
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