木曜日, 6月 30, 2005

[blogging] is not an exact science. It doesn't deal in time schedules.

You:    The [blog audience] is not a patient [entity], [the entity] demands constant reports and [the entity] expects progress! You led me to believe--
Me:     Nothing! I made no promises! I only said it looked very favorable.

Okay, I know, I'm slacking. Deal with it! I'll get to the good stuff eventually. Right?

Of course.

So, what am I writing about this time, instead of what I said I'd be writing about? Well, I'm writing about this wonderful news I have for all none of you who clicked my google ads. My hard work has paid off!

Check this shit out!~ Get it? Check? Haha!


Yeah! That is!

It's all thanks to me too. My writing has, over the last 8 months, generated enough clicks to earn me $110.15!~

For Germans, that's 125.9234 Euros.
For 日本人, that's 14948.0485円.
And for all the unknowns, it's cheese.

Thanks yous guys. I'll buy you a drink some time.

Oh, and everyone, I'd like to point you to this page at video.google.com/. Notice anything there? I hope so. Hehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehe.