Alright this white devil thing has gone far enough!
Okay first things first! I just figured out a new peice of the format for this blog!
If I can't think of a better title, the title and link for each blog post will be a movie quote and a link to the movie's profile on IMDB. Yay! Goooo mE!
Woah. What the hell is that??? And why am I subjecting the readers of this blog to a woman wearing almost no clothes? Well, because Isabel pointed me to this. GloThong. Good god. I don't know man...
Okay, I'm not mad or anything, but I want to know who's reading my blog in singapore. If you're reading this garbage, let me know! I'd like to hear some comments. I could be wrong, but I think you can comment without signing up for blogger. And hey, even if you must sign up, you can do it. Use Dogeit e-mail if you don't want to give up your e-mail address. LEAVE A COMMENT! I like getting comments. They're fun. It proves I'm not just wasting my time here...
Wasting my time...
<.< >.>
Yeah speaking of wasting time, I spent the whole weekend playing GTA: San Andreas and not really much else. Watched two Zatoichi movies, but beyond that...not much.
I kind of smell, just a little.
Hey look!
That's a cool Isn't it? You know, as sad as I'd be later on if it happened, I'd so love to be looking up at the sky at night when Betelgeuse blows up. At least, so long as it doesn't like, ruin my eyes. I wouldn't know. I've never seen a supernova before. I hope it happens in my life time. I hope I get to see it. The only bad thing is, we might go for a week without any real night time...and we would no longer have orion's right shoulder. (That's his right, not our right...)
That whole super nova thing was kind of a tangent, wasn't it?
Finally got out of Los Santos in San Andreas. I'm glad...but I was just Starting to get the hang of that area...oh well...
Though I must say, it's kind of weird seeing a place you grew up near on the TV in polygon form. I wonder what british people thought of The Getaway.
I mean, look at this though...
Never in my life did I think that that building was phallic. Until now. Than's GTA.
Now, this post is an hour late, and I have to go to work early tomorow...or at least, early for me. So I'd better put a stop to it right here. Goodnight all. Celey, I hope you can stay online!
Night everyone.
If I can't think of a better title, the title and link for each blog post will be a movie quote and a link to the movie's profile on IMDB. Yay! Goooo mE!
Woah. What the hell is that??? And why am I subjecting the readers of this blog to a woman wearing almost no clothes? Well, because Isabel pointed me to this. GloThong. Good god. I don't know man...
Okay, I'm not mad or anything, but I want to know who's reading my blog in singapore. If you're reading this garbage, let me know! I'd like to hear some comments. I could be wrong, but I think you can comment without signing up for blogger. And hey, even if you must sign up, you can do it. Use Dogeit e-mail if you don't want to give up your e-mail address. LEAVE A COMMENT! I like getting comments. They're fun. It proves I'm not just wasting my time here...
Wasting my time...
<.< >.>
Yeah speaking of wasting time, I spent the whole weekend playing GTA: San Andreas and not really much else. Watched two Zatoichi movies, but beyond that...not much.
I kind of smell, just a little.
Hey look!
That's a cool Isn't it? You know, as sad as I'd be later on if it happened, I'd so love to be looking up at the sky at night when Betelgeuse blows up. At least, so long as it doesn't like, ruin my eyes. I wouldn't know. I've never seen a supernova before. I hope it happens in my life time. I hope I get to see it. The only bad thing is, we might go for a week without any real night time...and we would no longer have orion's right shoulder. (That's his right, not our right...)
That whole super nova thing was kind of a tangent, wasn't it?
Finally got out of Los Santos in San Andreas. I'm glad...but I was just Starting to get the hang of that area...oh well...
Though I must say, it's kind of weird seeing a place you grew up near on the TV in polygon form. I wonder what british people thought of The Getaway.

I mean, look at this though...

Never in my life did I think that that building was phallic. Until now. Than's GTA.
Now, this post is an hour late, and I have to go to work early tomorow...or at least, early for me. So I'd better put a stop to it right here. Goodnight all. Celey, I hope you can stay online!
Night everyone.
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