UPDATE: We still have no fucking clue where this guy is. AKA Photoblog #3
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Dad is watching Ernest Saves Christmas. It was really funny to hear Jan Wahl say "and now back to Ernest Saves Christmas."
And now time for an update. Remember I made my last post from a place that wasn't my home or my school? But from Fremont? Well I've got pictures of the place...plus a bonus towards the end!
That's right. It's an american idol drum set.
Isn't american idol a show about singing? Ahhh ! Gosh I'm glad I don't have kids who would want an american idol drumset. I'd rather buy the kid a real drumset.
There's the kid who I'd imagine the drumset was bought for. I guess it makes sense, look at that chick, doesn't she look like she wants to be on american idol? Well, this is a new reason to hate FOX.
Look! I can play the piano ! kind of...
If you look in the corner of the room there, you can see that there's a karaoke machine...
Look! A Fish!
Aparently this girl manufactures her own brand of cereal. Why would she want to be a star if she already has a profitable cereal buisness?
And then they drank a shot. I was reminded of the episode of star trek where Scotty (or Data, if you're a TNG fan) pulls out a bottle of something and they get asked "what is this" and they say "it is...it is...It is blue." Don't you love how on Star Trek they can reuse the same jokes over and over and over again?
And that's where I set up camp...Dialup sucks.
Not just Elastigirl...BUT ELASTIGIRLZ!
*brain explodes*
And Finally...
Dad has rabies.
Thank you very much. Now go to bed! 'Adis!
Doesn't she look like the girl from the house? Woah! Maybe she is that girl!

Dad is watching Ernest Saves Christmas. It was really funny to hear Jan Wahl say "and now back to Ernest Saves Christmas."
And now time for an update. Remember I made my last post from a place that wasn't my home or my school? But from Fremont? Well I've got pictures of the place...plus a bonus towards the end!

Isn't american idol a show about singing? Ahhh ! Gosh I'm glad I don't have kids who would want an american idol drumset. I'd rather buy the kid a real drumset.

*brain explodes*
And Finally...

Thank you very much. Now go to bed! 'Adis!
Doesn't she look like the girl from the house? Woah! Maybe she is that girl!
UPDATE: MONGOOSE GOT ME STARTED! DAMN YOU iTunes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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