Money Ain't A Thang
Well, it's not!
Well I'm at school. Yay. What's up you may ask?
Well I've got 'bout two hours before my next class (human biology) and I just finished my Cinema class about two hours ago.
Sitting in the lull period.
It's fun.
In class today, we watched Mulholland Drive.
What a weird movie. Can't say I liked it, but who knows. Lynch ain't my kinda guy.
Choose one of the following topics. Do you agree or disagree?
I want to stop talking about this for now. Is that okay with you?
I feel bad now, because I feel ugly, and people are trying to tell me I'm not...and I'm kind of being rude if not mean to them...
You don't go your whole life thinking your ugly and then let some person who's never even met you convince you you're not. It just doesn't happen.
Let's break down the discussion.
Edcool1 wrote:
someone saying I look cute is a lot different from
And for anyone to say that about me, i'd need liposuction, plastic surgery, nice clothes and a lot of makeup.
But miroku, all he has to do is sit there.
It just pisses me off how no one ever even wants to talk to me. I know we'd all like to believe that looks don't matter and that this is all fuss over nothing...but that's not the world we live in.
I feel bad 'cause I don't want to make Celey feel I tend to do when this topic gets brought up...
Also, I feel kind of like this whole feeling bad about how I look thing, it's just like an attempt by me to get other people to prove me wrong. Not tell me I'm wrong but prove to me that I'm wrong. I worry that even if I am wrong, proving it may be impossible. An even bigger worry is that I'm right...and I'm just making myself feel worse about it rather than actually trying to, I don't know, get better? So I'm ugly. Why can't I get over it?
I don't know. Well...that's all for now.
Well I'm at school. Yay. What's up you may ask?
Well I've got 'bout two hours before my next class (human biology) and I just finished my Cinema class about two hours ago.
Sitting in the lull period.
It's fun.
In class today, we watched Mulholland Drive.
What a weird movie. Can't say I liked it, but who knows. Lynch ain't my kinda guy.
Choose one of the following topics. Do you agree or disagree?
- Contemporary cinema offers many examples of unusual screen narratives. While movies like The Usual Suspects (with its flashback structure and twist ending, Run Lola Run (with its multiple options for its characters) and The Circle (with its series of protagonists) can be easily followed, David Lynch films like Lost Highway and Mullholland Drive are too confusing to enjoy.
- Many Contemporary movies and TV shows (The Player, Apt Pupil, The Sopranos) position us to identify with protagonists who in the past would have considered "evil." This is a good thing, as it allows us to see that "good" and "evil" are concepts of no practical value. These films show us how their protagonists successfully outmaneuver their opponents to survive in a hostile environment, and as such are good guides to the real world.
- "David Lynch treats the subject of evil better than just about anybody else making movies today" (Wallace, p. 203). Lynch's "movies aren't anti-moral, but they are definitely anti-formulaic.... Lynch is not interested in the devolution of responsibility... he's interested in the psychic spaces in which people are capable of evil" (Wallace, p. 204). Do you agree with Wallace, or is the "Lynchian moral scheme... of evil contained within good" (Wallace, p. 205) simplistic?
I want to stop talking about this for now. Is that okay with you?
I feel bad now, because I feel ugly, and people are trying to tell me I'm not...and I'm kind of being rude if not mean to them...
You don't go your whole life thinking your ugly and then let some person who's never even met you convince you you're not. It just doesn't happen.
Let's break down the discussion.
Edcool1 wrote:
someone saying I look cute is a lot different from
Misty Rydia wrote: |
Miroku is HOT!
*giggles* *runs away* |
And for anyone to say that about me, i'd need liposuction, plastic surgery, nice clothes and a lot of makeup.
But miroku, all he has to do is sit there.
It just pisses me off how no one ever even wants to talk to me. I know we'd all like to believe that looks don't matter and that this is all fuss over nothing...but that's not the world we live in.
I feel bad 'cause I don't want to make Celey feel I tend to do when this topic gets brought up...
Also, I feel kind of like this whole feeling bad about how I look thing, it's just like an attempt by me to get other people to prove me wrong. Not tell me I'm wrong but prove to me that I'm wrong. I worry that even if I am wrong, proving it may be impossible. An even bigger worry is that I'm right...and I'm just making myself feel worse about it rather than actually trying to, I don't know, get better? So I'm ugly. Why can't I get over it?
I don't know. Well...that's all for now.

Probably nothing, celey.
That was one of the things I proposed in the post.
"I worry that even if I am wrong, proving it may be impossible"
You know celey, it may be impossible for anyone to proove their opinion on this matter.
I do commend you for trying.
What is your opinion, celey?
But cute doesn't equal attractive celey.
My point wasn't that I was 'cute' but that no one would ever see my picture and go "OMG he's HOT!"
I think you want to cheer me up so bad you can't admit that I'm not attractive enough to incite that kind of response from your average person.
Not bad lookin, not attractive either.
It just bums me out how easy it is for some people, and how hard it is for me.
So hard its impossible.
Yeah and some people are ugly. And they're usually more lonley people.
I'm not saying an attractive person can't get lonely, i'm saying the less attractive people are lonely more often.
I don't think my issue is that I feel bad about myself, but that I think certain unchangeable things about myself make it impossible for me to make a real friend in real life...not to mention a girlfriend or possible spouse...
It's alright celey.
You're already a friend. 8)
But I mean, it's too hard to make NEW friends. I bet I could find someone who could look past my physical attributes, but the problem is I can't talk to people out of a context. Like, if I were to see someone I could like, I couldn't talk to them unless I had a good reason like..."How do you think you did on that test" or "You dropped your book."
And the trouble with that is, after that context expires, I've got no real way to say anything to them. And, then the class ends and I never see them again.
I do that but I can't keep it going long enough.
Yeah, but even if I can manage to keep it going, the relationship only lasts as long as the class does. Once the class is over, I never see them again... 8(
Which most likely would never come. This is college after all...a lot more people here...a lot more classes to choose from. The odds are slim I'll ever be in a class with them.
And even if that happens, once I graduate, wont be seeing em anymore.
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