火曜日, 12月 28, 2004

A Christmas Tale

I didn't know what to call it.

So I called it the Christmas Tree from Hell.

That sort of disproved the whole point about me not being able to call it anything, but the fact remained: it had tasted blood. My blood. It was a chance accident, I pricked my finger on a needle. The tree shuddered, though, almost as if it was pleased. I didn't see it at first, though. It took a long time for me to truly see.

Christmas Eve, quarter to midnight, I hear something. We had all gone to bed early, anticipating the holiday, but something roused me out of my slumber. I had heard the dog walking around the house as it so often did at night, but the noise suddenly stopped. I thought nothing of it, but the abrupt cessasion of any canine footsteps gave me pause. Vaguely worried, I drifted off to sleep.

Next day, the tree looked greener somehow. Fuller, too, almost like somebody had poured fertilizer on it or something. There was fur, too, all around the base of the tree. When I saw the blood, it didn't take long to put two and two together.

I got the chainsaw, then. It was an easy job. I had to stop this demon conifer, this Douglas fir from the bowels of hell. The tree was split into six pieces that reeked of brimstone and evergreen. They thrashed for a moment, then lay still. I buried them all, as deep as I could dig a hole into the frozen December soil.

Next morning, there were six identical trees on my front lawn. They had grown, each one as mighty as the original demon tree. Ten feet tall, they were, and with needles as sharp as razor blades.

Aunt Susan was the first to try and run to the car. One of the tree-demons was waiting for her on the roof. It jumped down onto her, impaling her straight through with it's fiendish limbs. After it sucked the flesh from her body, it deposited the bones in a grisly heap on our front door.

They've been waiting for three days now.

We're not getting out alive.

I've been drinking mulled wine in the hopes that it will give me magic Christmas powers, but it doesn't seem to be working. Tomorrow, some of us are going to try to take one of the trees out with some Molotov cocktails and the air rifle we bought little Billy for Christmas.

Save us, Santa.

土曜日, 12月 25, 2004

Christmastime is Toxic

OMG I love you OMG one one one!

Taiko Drum Master is the third awesomest game in existance right now. It came into my life as a Christmas gift, and I just spent the last three hours hitting a fake plastic Taiko drum with little plastic sticks. I rocked. Hard.

Ed's still running on a mixture of Vicodin and wassail, so it's doubtful we'll see him until well after Epiphany.

God bless us, every one!

木曜日, 12月 23, 2004

The Rumors of Ed's Death Have Been Something Something


First off, this ain't ed talkin' at ya.

You're actually at the business end of Phineas Q. Mongoose's keyboard, and you're going to like it, okay? Ed had a bit of a run-in with a flight of stairs, and he's in a lot of pain right now. Plus, Vicodin makes it really hard to blog.

Let's hope Santa brings ed some robot feet or something.

Santa With Muscles
, that is.

Man, now that Ed's laid up in bed resting his poor ankles and playing GTA: San Andreas all day (poor kid, I know) I should start talking about pro wrestling a whole bunch. That'd be hilarious. Then again, ed would hate me forever, so I guess I'll just stick to Wrestling Observer and WrestleCrap for all my pro wrestling needs.

Ah, well. Once ed's feeling himself (not that old gag) again, I'll be outta here like last week's trash. Until then you'll get...

(holy crap, I have to do this twice every day now)

  • Tooka that tikka.
  • Wished I could buy the world a coke.
  • Got money for love.
  • Gonged.
These things all happened to me today.
These things are all true.

So said the placeholder, so shall it be.

月曜日, 12月 20, 2004

No movie quote tonight folks, its photo blog time! (long load for dialupers.)

Completed Azumanga Pin Collection!

Mom's friend Gordy. Don't know a lot about him, but aparently he might have something to do with when we went to Hawaii. So, I try to be friendly at least. Every year he sells candles on the Ave.

Metal Sculpture

Cow on a spring. Hey I don't know either.

I need a new Tye Dye shirt...

We stopped to eat.

It was good except for the wheat bun. I don't like wheat bread.

Someone must not like the villiage people too much...

What I call a musical Bouquet.

That's the land to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Marin county. Or mare-in as George H. W. Bush likes to call it.

Yeah, you get em George.

This guy could give The Cheat a run for it's money!

Sorry for low res, looks better on my computer 8P, but its cool, no?

That's the City.

That's Al, Darius, me and dad.

That's a greenish dad!

Dad's metal scuptures. Probably his christmas gifts for this year.

Back to Telegraph Avenue. Lot of yuppies and college students there, no?

There's a pretty view. You can see ECHS in the bottom left.

Hey...Another ladybug bike? What are they manufactured now? THAT'S BS!

Now, have you ever had a class this awesome? This was this teacher's shining moment in my book. He showed Princess Mononoke, and talked a little bit about the class in front of that menu. Doesn't get much better than that.

All the testing materials I need.

After the last class, I decided I deserved some sort of something special. So I went to see the Christmas tree at Union Square, which I talked about so much in the past.

Hey look, it's the place="" that="" replaced="" my="" ipod="" with few problems!

Yes it's true. FAO SCHWARZ is out of buisness...8'(

But there's that Christmas tree!

And there's the Menorah I've talked so much about.

Is it wrong for Tinkerbell to turn you on?

Damn you Disney! Why did you make her so hot!?

And right there, is another huge ass Christmas tree. I hope that gets used for a good thing later.

I like this picture more though. It's cool.

Woah! Christmas-y Cable Car!

By this time I was hungry and I went to Burger King

That's me in the bathroom of the place. Cost me 25 Cents to get in there, so I took a picture.


I decided after eating at Burger King I could use a little excersise...so I walked to the Embarcadero rather than just hopping on the BART right there at powel. I'm glad I did. I got to see this:

I guess they were drunk. Cause they were doing things like this:

Now that I was down at the Embarcadero, I said hell, might as well do the old christmas route. And I went into the Hyatt Regency.

Not that Hyatt!

The one that was in High Anxiety, staring and directed by Mel Brooks.

The Sugar Bums, as we call them, or the things that made Mel Brooks so afraid.

It was actually pretty cool in there. I really was glad I went in.

These were all over. Not really a fan of the white lights but they had so many of 'em I couldn't complain.

And they had a tree too! So it was all good. I was taking a movie of the fountain, and I circled around the fountain to reveal the tree...and I was surprised to see it.

Couldn't stay in there for ever though, had to leave. And I got this shot of the Ferry Building. And that's it for now.

Now that I think about it, I realized I didn't get to take a picture of the Ice Rink in Justin Herman Plaza, right next to the Hyatt. So damn. Oh well. I may yet get the chance to get a shot of that for you guys.

Things to do this week:
  • Go to The Class Schedule and figure out schedule for next semester.
  • Actually sign up for classes for next semester.

I hope you enjoyed today's post!

土曜日, 12月 18, 2004

Judge me by my size do you?

Two days until registration.

*keeps fingers crossed*

Look at this website. Very weird. I love that headline though.

Stephen, You Better Tell Your Brother To Shut Up Or He’s A Dead Man!”

Did I mention that I sometimes jokingly call myself Steve just to mess with people? Does this mean I'm a dead man?

Oh my gosh I have turned into a walking advertisement. I just suggested to Celey that she go get a heating pad from her local Wallgreens to keep her feet warm while she's in bed. I don't even know if her feet are cold when she goes to bed. Why would I suggest such a thing? I have no idea. Maybe I'm going crazy...

Turns out her feet do get pretty cold though. So, 'tis not just me. I might have seeded a good idea in her head! Yay!

Then we got into a discussion about posture and back pain...and I talked about a chair...

I want to get one of those chairs they make, that you kneel in...I remember when we used to have one, it would make me sit up straight. Might be painful if I tried to do it today but it'd be worth it in the long run. I worry they dont make em strong enough to support my weight... I'm fat!

I hate it...I need to do something about it...anything! I need a workout buddy, I can't do this on my own... Damnit... I guess that's all I got for this evening.

Things to do this week:
  • Go to The Class Schedule and figure out schedule for next semester.
  • Actually sign up for classes for next semester.


Hey it seems like no one has been reading my blog lately. Why is that?

Is it because I haven't updated in a couple days? Well that could be part of it, but I only haven't posted 'cause I figured most people aren't reading anyway.

I'll try to keep up the good work. Isn't this the creepiest thing you've ever seen?

I would like to congradulate Celey on getting out of her troublesome household and evil step mother and getting to be the super girl we all love. Yay for Celey! The Robe's tockin' tonight!

If you look to the right at my google ads in the not too distant future, you'll see an ad for...

Oh my god. That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. It'd be worth me starting up a marine super store just so I could steal that logo.

I also found this on an ad, but I can't seem to find out where it came from...

I don't know who Nancy Steinbock is either.

I wish I knew if what I was writing was actually entertaining or not, I really don't know. COMMENT PEOPLE!! I like getting comments... I don't even care if the comments have anything to do with the post just do somethin' to make me happier eh?

I am working on those photoblogs. Would have made one already but Buzznet's been acting up lately. I'll try and figure it out but it might be a while. I have been taking some awesome pictures though. Let's see, I'll give you a breif preview of what you'll be seeing if you stay tuned in the next couple days to see what images I post!

We've got pictures of my teachers! YAY! Interesting ones too, least to me they are. Images from the only real mall I can remember entering of my own free will. Images from Union Square in San Francisco and the surrounding neighborhood. The Christmas tree there, the menorah! Cable Cars! People none of us know! I wonder if it's illegal to show their picture here without their permission...well, since I've no idea who they are I guess it is and if it isn't how are they going to find out, right?. I've got some pictures from some other stuff too I believe, so look forward to that!

So lets cover what I was too lazy to cover the last couple nights. Some of these things will be re-covered in pictures maybe.

Tuesday was my last day of school this semester and it couldn't have gone better. At least I hope so. After my final final I decided to head on over to downtown to check out the Christmas tree in Union Square. It was not a bad tree, but I'm not the biggest fan of just white lights, and there were only like three varieties of ornaments on the thing. But not bad. I got to see the Menorah on the last day of Hanukkah and that was cool. It was a bitch photographing though, cause I had no tripod and it was at night. I then thought that I could use a walk and walked from Union Square to the Embarcadero, making a stop at the Hyatt. I'm really glad I did too, cause it was cool in there.

I then came home and slept or something.

Work the next day could have been better, but I don't really want to talk about it. It was good enough.

And then came today, the friday. Lot of stuff happened today.

I went to work even though I didn't want to, and I didn't really get paid, technically. There was supposed to be a big TechFutures Christmas party, but it turns out most people didn't show...So yeah...But I did get some cool stuff out of it. Diane, who is practically my boss, gave me a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble (which I see finally changed their address to BarnesandNoble.com instead of BN.com...both still work though) which was good. I also got a card from Kim Davis which was sweet. Oh and Isabel Malonzo came and saved me from my boredom and gave me my Christmas present early! Whoo! Solid Snake, you're my hero.

Also, aparently, Isabel is having a party come Tuesday, and I will be bringing my TV to this party, because her TV is small and this one is a little bit larger. Super.

There was a funny mix up where I thought she didn't want me to come because she didn't bother to tell me about it...and that was another reason why I haven't made a blog post in a couple days...but let's not go down that road, wouldn't be a good idea.

That's right, 大阪さん、you tell them.

Hey it's that time again for my list!

Things to do this week:
Woah! Does that mean I'm done? Oh not quite...
  • Actually sign up for classes for next semester.
Which could be difficult if registration over at SFSU heats up in the next two days. I can only hope and prey that I'll get into the classes I want.

So far so good: (As of 2:26 AM 12/18/04)
Semester Spring 2005
CourseENG 0214-10

Seats in class25
Enrolled 9
Seats available 16

Wait list limit 5
Wait list slots filled 0
Wait list slots available 5

Semester Spring 2005
CourseCINE 0200-01
Schedule Number*****

Seats in class110
Enrolled 27
Seats available 83

Wait list limit 25
Wait list slots filled 0
Wait list slots available 25
Semester Spring 2005
CourseJAPN 0250-01
Schedule Number*****

Seats in class65
Enrolled 44
Seats available 21

Wait list limit 5
Wait list slots filled 0
Wait list slots available 5

So far, if things don't change too much, things will be looking up.

That's right, Gary Coleman, you tell them.

In other news, Jasmine is supposed to be coming up here for a visit. I may or may not get to see her though...depends on if my dad has a job or if we go to Palm Desert.

Aren't pictures of people you don't know fun?

And finaly, as it's now almost 3 in the morning, the post must come to a finish, but I will finish on this.

Isn't she just the cutest thing next to ちよちゃん?
I can't wait for this to either come to America or turn into an anime that comes to America or something, 'cause I just can't!

Come on Yotubato!

And I'm spent.