土曜日, 12月 18, 2004


Hey it seems like no one has been reading my blog lately. Why is that?

Is it because I haven't updated in a couple days? Well that could be part of it, but I only haven't posted 'cause I figured most people aren't reading anyway.

I'll try to keep up the good work. Isn't this the creepiest thing you've ever seen?

I would like to congradulate Celey on getting out of her troublesome household and evil step mother and getting to be the super girl we all love. Yay for Celey! The Robe's tockin' tonight!

If you look to the right at my google ads in the not too distant future, you'll see an ad for...

Oh my god. That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. It'd be worth me starting up a marine super store just so I could steal that logo.

I also found this on an ad, but I can't seem to find out where it came from...

I don't know who Nancy Steinbock is either.

I wish I knew if what I was writing was actually entertaining or not, I really don't know. COMMENT PEOPLE!! I like getting comments... I don't even care if the comments have anything to do with the post just do somethin' to make me happier eh?

I am working on those photoblogs. Would have made one already but Buzznet's been acting up lately. I'll try and figure it out but it might be a while. I have been taking some awesome pictures though. Let's see, I'll give you a breif preview of what you'll be seeing if you stay tuned in the next couple days to see what images I post!

We've got pictures of my teachers! YAY! Interesting ones too, least to me they are. Images from the only real mall I can remember entering of my own free will. Images from Union Square in San Francisco and the surrounding neighborhood. The Christmas tree there, the menorah! Cable Cars! People none of us know! I wonder if it's illegal to show their picture here without their permission...well, since I've no idea who they are I guess it is and if it isn't how are they going to find out, right?. I've got some pictures from some other stuff too I believe, so look forward to that!

So lets cover what I was too lazy to cover the last couple nights. Some of these things will be re-covered in pictures maybe.

Tuesday was my last day of school this semester and it couldn't have gone better. At least I hope so. After my final final I decided to head on over to downtown to check out the Christmas tree in Union Square. It was not a bad tree, but I'm not the biggest fan of just white lights, and there were only like three varieties of ornaments on the thing. But not bad. I got to see the Menorah on the last day of Hanukkah and that was cool. It was a bitch photographing though, cause I had no tripod and it was at night. I then thought that I could use a walk and walked from Union Square to the Embarcadero, making a stop at the Hyatt. I'm really glad I did too, cause it was cool in there.

I then came home and slept or something.

Work the next day could have been better, but I don't really want to talk about it. It was good enough.

And then came today, the friday. Lot of stuff happened today.

I went to work even though I didn't want to, and I didn't really get paid, technically. There was supposed to be a big TechFutures Christmas party, but it turns out most people didn't show...So yeah...But I did get some cool stuff out of it. Diane, who is practically my boss, gave me a $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble (which I see finally changed their address to BarnesandNoble.com instead of BN.com...both still work though) which was good. I also got a card from Kim Davis which was sweet. Oh and Isabel Malonzo came and saved me from my boredom and gave me my Christmas present early! Whoo! Solid Snake, you're my hero.

Also, aparently, Isabel is having a party come Tuesday, and I will be bringing my TV to this party, because her TV is small and this one is a little bit larger. Super.

There was a funny mix up where I thought she didn't want me to come because she didn't bother to tell me about it...and that was another reason why I haven't made a blog post in a couple days...but let's not go down that road, wouldn't be a good idea.

That's right, 大阪さん、you tell them.

Hey it's that time again for my list!

Things to do this week:
Woah! Does that mean I'm done? Oh not quite...
  • Actually sign up for classes for next semester.
Which could be difficult if registration over at SFSU heats up in the next two days. I can only hope and prey that I'll get into the classes I want.

So far so good: (As of 2:26 AM 12/18/04)
Semester Spring 2005
CourseENG 0214-10

Seats in class25
Enrolled 9
Seats available 16

Wait list limit 5
Wait list slots filled 0
Wait list slots available 5

Semester Spring 2005
CourseCINE 0200-01
Schedule Number*****

Seats in class110
Enrolled 27
Seats available 83

Wait list limit 25
Wait list slots filled 0
Wait list slots available 25
Semester Spring 2005
CourseJAPN 0250-01
Schedule Number*****

Seats in class65
Enrolled 44
Seats available 21

Wait list limit 5
Wait list slots filled 0
Wait list slots available 5

So far, if things don't change too much, things will be looking up.

That's right, Gary Coleman, you tell them.

In other news, Jasmine is supposed to be coming up here for a visit. I may or may not get to see her though...depends on if my dad has a job or if we go to Palm Desert.

Aren't pictures of people you don't know fun?

And finaly, as it's now almost 3 in the morning, the post must come to a finish, but I will finish on this.

Isn't she just the cutest thing next to ちよちゃん?
I can't wait for this to either come to America or turn into an anime that comes to America or something, 'cause I just can't!

Come on Yotubato!

And I'm spent.