I need more love every day of my life
Dad's Questionare.
Those answers are my dad's, not mine. But, it's safe to say that most of my answers are similar.
And the list, just for a sense of credibility.
Things to do this week:
- Have you noticed since we lost the cable connection that TV we would have thought garbage before, is now being watched?
- Have you noticed how having no cable makes the Shop At Home network watch able?
- Why do you unmute the commercials now?
- Have you noticed how watching the Spanish channel has become more frequent since losing cable?
- Do you know your voice gets louder when you drink?
- Do you know your voice gets even louder when the TV is on while you drink?
- Do you know you keep the volume at a higher level when you drink?
- Do you know you often forget to turn off the radio in the garage for hours at a time?
- What do you think about the state of television today?
- What do you think about television news?
- Is it anymore credible than a newspaper? The internet? The radio?
- You seem to like to leave the radio on one station (usually either KPFA or KALX)
- You seem to like being in control of the remote, radio dial, etc. What do you get from being in control? (and doing a bad job at it by the way)
- I’ve noticed you have trouble operating the remote when intoxicated, why do you still insist on having the remote?
- I’ve also noticed that you often stay up later than you should watching television, and even though you’re falling asleep in the chair you wont go to bed.
- How is searching for jobs on the internet better or worse than doing it the way you did it before the existence of the World Wide Web?
- No. But yeah. Watching less TV now, much less.
- no. He says he’d watch it even if he had cable, still not watchable.
- I truly don’t like the commercials. Too stoned.
- Yeah. Funny watching movies with anglos speaking espanol.
- No I don’t otice.
- next. Claims its due to a cold
- Do I? No I didn’t notice. More static in the attic. Or is there a fungus among us?
- I do know that. I figure it aint costing me that much money?
- I think its bought sold and controlled. And its hard to get both sides of the story now.
- Only what they want you to hear. I watch it because I want to know what they want me to hear. I’m a concerned citizen and I want to know what’s going on in the world. They’re telling me their side and I need to figure out my side somehow.
- Only the publicly sponserd media are giving the true picture today *sips beer*Newspaper is also bought sold and controlled. We’re hopin’ for the truth but basically they aint giving it to us.
- Claims he’ll listen to anything, but less commercials the better.
- “I bought the channel” I’m not a very good button pusher.
- Could be, alcohol makes people obnoxious…Do you know what obnoxious means? out of poision. The brain is responding out of poision.
- to tired to get up, too tired to move. TV is hypnotizing me and putting me to sleep. Using it as a sediitve. Cause I have a fast metabolizsm that keeps me up late.
- Its better, you can go a lot more places a lot quicker. But you still have to use your alternative sourses too, because more people are using the internet and competing with you.
Like I said, I’m not a tumby button pusher. I’m old school.
Been a working class zero for thirty years. Talks about keeping track of time, time cards.
One more way to classify and discriminate against people, and I don’t like that.
Like I said, I’m not a tumby button pusher. I’m old school.
Been a working class zero for thirty years. Talks about keeping track of time, time cards.
One more way to classify and discriminate against people, and I don’t like that.
Those answers are my dad's, not mine. But, it's safe to say that most of my answers are similar.
And the list, just for a sense of credibility.
Things to do this week:
- Write the damn film analysis paper of which movie? No idea.
- Ask him these questions for the basis of the damn BECA paper.
- Write the damn BECA paper.
- Go to Blackboard and find the biology assignment due on the day of the final.
- Write the damn biology assignment due on the day of the final.
- Go to The Class Schedule and figure out schedule for next semester.

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