Damn My Eyes!
Don’t you hate people who don’t know how to use powerpoint?
Do not make excuses for not having your powerpoint. I don’t care that your computer broke. If it’s something someone can fix, maybe you can tell us, but if you were too lazy to back up your data before your computer broke, making excuses will not excuse you.
First of all, if you’re going to use powerpoint, do not put too much on the screen.
Do not, I repeat, do not read what is on the screen. Tell us about what’s on the screen, but do not read what’s on the screen. Especially if there’s too much information on the screen.
Know how to pronounce words before you start your presentation.
Do not read from the slides. Do not read from your cards. The cards are there to remind you what you’re supposed to say, not to make it easier for you to say them.
I know this is hard, but try not to say the word Um or Like too often. If possible do not say them at all.
Do not put sounds or text animations in the presentation. It wastes everyone’s time.
Try not to go long. If it’s a five minute presentation, end it in five minutes. If you have to omit sections, please do. It will make things less painful for us.
Come up with a good ending slide. I don’t want to see you go back to the OS. I don’t want to see you surprised that your presentation is over.
You do not need to put a bibliography on the end of a powerpoint presentation. If it’s the only place to put it, then you don’t have to read it to us. Thank you very much.
God damnit, it pisses me off.
Also, I’m not going to say this is a persons fault or can be changed, but it’s very hard to pay attention to someone giving a presentation when they have an extremely thick accent.
I could not care less about the weather on the night of the sinking of the Titanic. I didn’t see that movie for a reason. I love James Cameron, I love his movie. But damnit, I cant watch that film!
I hate people who don’t know how to operate a DVD player, yet still buy one and expect to watch movies on it. Every time my parents want to watch a movie they need me. Why? It’s not any more complicated than using a CD player. To these peoples credit, however, DVD menus are designed pretty poorly. But then people need to learn to get past problems.
You know, I used to think Dennis Quaid was Harrison Ford back in the day, mostly because of Enemy Mine. I like that movie, but I now know the difference. They are not the same person. Very similar voices though. I also find it hard to believe he’s Randy Quaid’s brother. Oh well. Randy is a funny guy.
I just caught a guy reading my spoiler tshirt. A guy I’ve caught reading webcomics in class. Also a guy I’ve been in several classes with before. It’s kind of odd to me actually, how many classes I’ve shared with this guy, and I don’t even know who he is. All I know is he’s got kind of an ugly goatee. I bet, if I could somehow get to know him, he could be a friend. He appears to have similar interests. Webcomics, movies, and so on.
The sound outside is quite amazing. Very, very windy out there.

Now for something completely different.
I've been thinking...maybe there was a greater purpose behind the terrorist act on September 11th, 2001. What if the purpose wasn't to "kill the infidels" or whatever, but rather to make America over protective of itself, making the electorate care less about the facts and more about 'morals,' thereby making our laws get tougher, our imigration and importation more strict and less flexible, thereby making other countries seek business with counties not the United States, making our jobs deminish, the value of our degrees deminished, the poverty rates raised...thereby screwing us much more than the mere destruction of two buildings in New York. Just a theory. A conspiricy theory. Yes. I've become a conspiracy theorist.

I've had it up to here with these terrorists.
Oh, and I can't forget this.
Things to do this week:
- Write the damn meterology paper on ball lightning.
- Write the damn film analysis paper of which movie? No idea.
- Observe dad and his media use for the BECA paper.
- Come up with questions to ask him about said media use.
- Write the damn BECA paper.
- Go to Blackboard and find the biology assignment due on the day of the final.
- Write the damn biology assignment due on the day of the final.
- Go to The Class Schedule and figure out schedule for next semester.
I found that in my google ads. That's just....Okay fine. I've got nothing.
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