No movie quote tonight folks, its photo blog time! (long load for dialupers.)

Completed Azumanga Pin Collection!

Metal Sculpture

Cow on a spring. Hey I don't know either.

I need a new Tye Dye shirt...

We stopped to eat.

It was good except for the wheat bun. I don't like wheat bread.

Someone must not like the villiage people too much...

What I call a musical Bouquet.

That's the land to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge. Marin county. Or mare-in as George H. W. Bush likes to call it.

This guy could give The Cheat a run for it's money!

Sorry for low res, looks better on my computer 8P, but its cool, no?

That's the City.

That's Al, Darius, me and dad.

That's a greenish dad!

Dad's metal scuptures. Probably his christmas gifts for this year.

Back to Telegraph Avenue. Lot of yuppies and college students there, no?

There's a pretty view. You can see ECHS in the bottom left.

Hey...Another ladybug bike? What are they manufactured now? THAT'S BS!

Now, have you ever had a class this awesome? This was this teacher's shining moment in my book. He showed Princess Mononoke, and talked a little bit about the class in front of that menu. Doesn't get much better than that.

All the testing materials I need.
After the last class, I decided I deserved some sort of something special. So I went to see the Christmas tree at Union Square, which I talked about so much in the past.

Hey look, it's the place="" that="" replaced="" my="" ipod="" with few problems!

Yes it's true. FAO SCHWARZ is out of buisness...8'(

But there's that Christmas tree!

And there's the Menorah I've talked so much about.

Is it wrong for Tinkerbell to turn you on?

Damn you Disney! Why did you make her so hot!?

And right there, is another huge ass Christmas tree. I hope that gets used for a good thing later.

I like this picture more though. It's cool.

Woah! Christmas-y Cable Car!

By this time I was hungry and I went to Burger King

That's me in the bathroom of the place. Cost me 25 Cents to get in there, so I took a picture.

I decided after eating at Burger King I could use a little I walked to the Embarcadero rather than just hopping on the BART right there at powel. I'm glad I did. I got to see this:

I guess they were drunk. Cause they were doing things like this:

Now that I was down at the Embarcadero, I said hell, might as well do the old christmas route. And I went into the Hyatt Regency.

Not that Hyatt!
The one that was in High Anxiety, staring and directed by Mel Brooks.

The Sugar Bums, as we call them, or the things that made Mel Brooks so afraid.

It was actually pretty cool in there. I really was glad I went in.

These were all over. Not really a fan of the white lights but they had so many of 'em I couldn't complain.

And they had a tree too! So it was all good. I was taking a movie of the fountain, and I circled around the fountain to reveal the tree...and I was surprised to see it.

Couldn't stay in there for ever though, had to leave. And I got this shot of the Ferry Building. And that's it for now.
Now that I think about it, I realized I didn't get to take a picture of the Ice Rink in Justin Herman Plaza, right next to the Hyatt. So damn. Oh well. I may yet get the chance to get a shot of that for you guys.
Things to do this week:
Things to do this week:
- Go to The Class Schedule and figure out schedule for next semester.
- Actually sign up for classes for next semester.
I hope you enjoyed today's post!

Cool stuff, ed.
And it is not wrong for Tinkerbell to turn you on.
It is very not wrong.
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