Yes, I am very very 馬鹿. Damnit. Today I was supposed to have a performance evaluation with Diane. And I totally forgot about it.
God damnit.
I need some kind of brain explosive that I can swallow and it blows up, then I might not have to worry about forgetting crap like this 'cause I'll be dead.
Moving on...
So what were you doing instead of your interview there, chet? Well I wasn't working on the YDP website, that's for sure. I wasn't sick. I wasn't on the moon. I was in lovely San Francisco.
Dad and I went to the beach.
There was some impressive surf.
Look at the person there for a sense of scale.
There's dad. Boy it was foamy.
Want a seat?
We eventually got tired of the beach, and went to a diner, and I had a snack. I've had better.
Then we decided to go to the Metreon and check out the James Cameron 3d IMAX movie, Aliens of the Deep. Which was pretty cool. My dad cant stop raving about how scared he was when he thought the Elephant was grabbing his nuts. You'd have to see it to understand.
But on the way, we came across some things.
We passed the Alexandria theater, where I saw Kill Bill, Vol. 1 with Isabel. It was boarded up. Aparently out of buisness. That's sad. Then we passed the Coronet theater, I gotta remember to see a movie there some day.
Then we passed some church.
I seem to remember Isabel saying something about this church, but I can't remember what it is. Maybe she'll tell us.
We passed the O'Farrel Theater. You remember don't you?
Should be clicking with you if you're a regular reader of my blog.
Does that help? See what it says there?
Yes, that's right. The Mitchell brothers.
Can you imagine killing your brother? No I can't 'cause I don't have a brother.
So then we get to the Metreon, and dad wants some calimari or something so we go to this place called Jillians which is inside the metreon. Here's their bar.
Techno savy.
Dad gave this mural a thumbs up.
Doesn't he look happy?
Instead of calamari he got Smelt. Some sort of nostalgic comfort food for him.
I think this guy has Parkinson's Disease.
Hey look it's the SFMOMA!
Whoo! This is one of the current exhibits.
Dad had to go to another bar after he saw that he could get a deal cause it was happy hour.
So we go to the movie. It's pretty cool. Something really weird about seeing an elephant grab at your crotch with his trunk.
Oooh SFMOMA at night!
We make it back to the car.
And we come home. Not much more to it then that. I still feel pretty bad about missing my apointment. Meh.
Last night a movie was on that had a bit of history for me. Beloved was on. In 12th grade I had to read Beloved, or should I say I chose to read Beloved, and the film helped me get through the book. It was kind of a translator for Toni Morrison's cryptic writing. When I first started reading it, I wasn't sure what to make of it. But reading a chaptor then watching that part of the movie really made it clear for me what was going on. Really cool. And the movie is cool, too. Well made. And I Love the music. Rachel Portman really did a good job. Mongoose, next time you need to make a spooky Halloween CD, I should give you some tracks from there. Spooky stuff. Coool stuff.
And of course this was when I was deep in my worldOne drive. Deep into the world music and stuff. So it was right up my alley. So yeah. It was cool. Here's the song that had me remember to write about all this:
Rachel Portman - You Your Best Thing
I think it's about time for me to go to bed. Almost 3 in the morning. Finally I appear to be back on schedule, even if that is a bad thing...
God damnit.
I need some kind of brain explosive that I can swallow and it blows up, then I might not have to worry about forgetting crap like this 'cause I'll be dead.
Moving on...
So what were you doing instead of your interview there, chet? Well I wasn't working on the YDP website, that's for sure. I wasn't sick. I wasn't on the moon. I was in lovely San Francisco.
Dad and I went to the beach.
There was some impressive surf.

Look at the person there for a sense of scale.

There's dad. Boy it was foamy.

Want a seat?
We eventually got tired of the beach, and went to a diner, and I had a snack. I've had better.
Then we decided to go to the Metreon and check out the James Cameron 3d IMAX movie, Aliens of the Deep. Which was pretty cool. My dad cant stop raving about how scared he was when he thought the Elephant was grabbing his nuts. You'd have to see it to understand.
But on the way, we came across some things.
We passed the Alexandria theater, where I saw Kill Bill, Vol. 1 with Isabel. It was boarded up. Aparently out of buisness. That's sad. Then we passed the Coronet theater, I gotta remember to see a movie there some day.
Then we passed some church.

We passed the O'Farrel Theater. You remember don't you?

Yes, that's right. The Mitchell brothers.
Can you imagine killing your brother? No I can't 'cause I don't have a brother.
So then we get to the Metreon, and dad wants some calimari or something so we go to this place called Jillians which is inside the metreon. Here's their bar.

Techno savy.

Dad gave this mural a thumbs up.

Doesn't he look happy?

Instead of calamari he got Smelt. Some sort of nostalgic comfort food for him.


I think this guy has Parkinson's Disease.

Hey look it's the SFMOMA!

Whoo! This is one of the current exhibits.

Dad had to go to another bar after he saw that he could get a deal cause it was happy hour.
So we go to the movie. It's pretty cool. Something really weird about seeing an elephant grab at your crotch with his trunk.

Oooh SFMOMA at night!
We make it back to the car.

And we come home. Not much more to it then that. I still feel pretty bad about missing my apointment. Meh.
Last night a movie was on that had a bit of history for me. Beloved was on. In 12th grade I had to read Beloved, or should I say I chose to read Beloved, and the film helped me get through the book. It was kind of a translator for Toni Morrison's cryptic writing. When I first started reading it, I wasn't sure what to make of it. But reading a chaptor then watching that part of the movie really made it clear for me what was going on. Really cool. And the movie is cool, too. Well made. And I Love the music. Rachel Portman really did a good job. Mongoose, next time you need to make a spooky Halloween CD, I should give you some tracks from there. Spooky stuff. Coool stuff.
And of course this was when I was deep in my worldOne drive. Deep into the world music and stuff. So it was right up my alley. So yeah. It was cool. Here's the song that had me remember to write about all this:
Rachel Portman - You Your Best Thing
I think it's about time for me to go to bed. Almost 3 in the morning. Finally I appear to be back on schedule, even if that is a bad thing...

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