"All cock-blockery aside..."
Today rocked the surface of the Earth like Huygens rocked the surface of Titan.
Or at least, that's what I'd like to say. But I can't. Today sucked. Totally sucked.
As my aunt says, the moon is in Aries.
Let's go over what happened.
This morning I was supposed to have a drivers test. I get out there, start the car...and ask dad to check in his glove box and make sure he has the proof of insurance and all that...and he doesn't. So then we have to go back inside and get AAA to fax us a copy of it...
But dad can't do something like that calmly. A big scene erupts...which raises my stress level higher and higher until I snap, so to speak.
By this point, there was no way I'd be compotent enough to pass a drivers test. And I knew it. But still we go out to the car and try again...I make it not one block and a car is already honking at me...Dad seems to think I could have got us killed. I don't know. I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind. Then there is a giant fight between me and him in his car. Eventually I get out of the car and walk home, and he goes god knows where. By this time I'm reduced to tears and go straight to my room and cry on my bed.
Even seeing me like this, mom seems to think I can pass my test which at the time was 15 minutes away. Sure. No.
And to top it off, the pictures from Titan kind of suck. At least to me. I mean look.
Then my aunt comes over, and keeps coming up with these schemes on getting famous or rich or something, I don't know. I was still kind of out of it. I tried not to be rude though.
Then I spent a bit of time playing Resident Evil 4.
My feelings exactly.
My laptop is dying, you know. It's nearing the end of its so called life. I ran a chkdsk which took ALL FUCKING DAY and aparently found no errors. Still running like crap. It's time for something new. Gave me time to play more resident evil 4.
I love the game, it is awesome.
After I'd had enough resident evil (I know, how could this happen?) I went into the living room and turned on my old beater PC...and had a nice long chat with Celey.
Let's use this conversation with Celey to segue from a shitty day to the good things I might not have told you about yet. No one wants to read depressing shit all the time.
A few days ago, I'd been feeling pretty lonely, and, as usual, I couldn't imagine a soul alive that could possibly love me. And I challenged Celey to think of someone. So she did. And she came up with this lovely heartwarming story about how I meet a girl in a video store and eventually fall in love with her...
There's one slight problem with this story...I use Netflix...But by this time it didn't matter. It was still a good story. Aparently, Celey is going to write it up and put it in her school's newspaper.
And you all might get to read it too...all 3 of you.
But we talked about that story for a while tonight. That was a highlight of the day. Also, the sunset was b. e. a. utiful.
Also, on Wednesday, I went to macworld with my old buddy Greg. Unfortuneately I forgot to bring my camera with me...so no photos from the conference floor. Wasn't totally impressive anyway. I tell you though, I ate entirely too much beef on that day.
I hate to tell you, Greg, but basketball doesn't work too well after dark.
I really like this picture.
I'm not really a fan of steak.
Also, on Tuesday, not only did I get my Zelda GBA game, I also got a visit from Isabel. And we finally sat down and made our trip to Washington official. You better watch out, Washington, come this March, you'll have to answer to Ed, Isabel and Sgt. Mongoose!
Isabel in my room, brandishing a knife.
Isabel, on my bed, with her computer. See my DS?
California knows how to party. In the city of LA. In the city of good ol' Watts. In the city, the city of Compton. They poplock.
Oh hey, look. I can't draw!
Or at least, that's what I'd like to say. But I can't. Today sucked. Totally sucked.
As my aunt says, the moon is in Aries.

Let's go over what happened.
This morning I was supposed to have a drivers test. I get out there, start the car...and ask dad to check in his glove box and make sure he has the proof of insurance and all that...and he doesn't. So then we have to go back inside and get AAA to fax us a copy of it...
But dad can't do something like that calmly. A big scene erupts...which raises my stress level higher and higher until I snap, so to speak.
By this point, there was no way I'd be compotent enough to pass a drivers test. And I knew it. But still we go out to the car and try again...I make it not one block and a car is already honking at me...Dad seems to think I could have got us killed. I don't know. I wasn't exactly in the right state of mind. Then there is a giant fight between me and him in his car. Eventually I get out of the car and walk home, and he goes god knows where. By this time I'm reduced to tears and go straight to my room and cry on my bed.
Even seeing me like this, mom seems to think I can pass my test which at the time was 15 minutes away. Sure. No.
And to top it off, the pictures from Titan kind of suck. At least to me. I mean look.
I'm the one who's gonna have to die when it's time for me to die. So let me live my life...the way I want to.
Then my aunt comes over, and keeps coming up with these schemes on getting famous or rich or something, I don't know. I was still kind of out of it. I tried not to be rude though.
Then I spent a bit of time playing Resident Evil 4.

My feelings exactly.
My laptop is dying, you know. It's nearing the end of its so called life. I ran a chkdsk which took ALL FUCKING DAY and aparently found no errors. Still running like crap. It's time for something new. Gave me time to play more resident evil 4.
I love the game, it is awesome.
After I'd had enough resident evil (I know, how could this happen?) I went into the living room and turned on my old beater PC...and had a nice long chat with Celey.
Let's use this conversation with Celey to segue from a shitty day to the good things I might not have told you about yet. No one wants to read depressing shit all the time.
A few days ago, I'd been feeling pretty lonely, and, as usual, I couldn't imagine a soul alive that could possibly love me. And I challenged Celey to think of someone. So she did. And she came up with this lovely heartwarming story about how I meet a girl in a video store and eventually fall in love with her...
There's one slight problem with this story...I use Netflix...But by this time it didn't matter. It was still a good story. Aparently, Celey is going to write it up and put it in her school's newspaper.
And you all might get to read it too...all 3 of you.
But we talked about that story for a while tonight. That was a highlight of the day. Also, the sunset was b. e. a. utiful.

Also, on Wednesday, I went to macworld with my old buddy Greg. Unfortuneately I forgot to bring my camera with me...so no photos from the conference floor. Wasn't totally impressive anyway. I tell you though, I ate entirely too much beef on that day.

I hate to tell you, Greg, but basketball doesn't work too well after dark.


I really like this picture.

I'm not really a fan of steak.
Also, on Tuesday, not only did I get my Zelda GBA game, I also got a visit from Isabel. And we finally sat down and made our trip to Washington official. You better watch out, Washington, come this March, you'll have to answer to Ed, Isabel and Sgt. Mongoose!

Isabel in my room, brandishing a knife.

Isabel, on my bed, with her computer. See my DS?

Miroku: hey! i live in Washington! do you think you will be up in Vancouver? ^_^
Miroku - I'm not going to say no, but I don't think we can make a stop in vancouver.
Isabel - What?
Awww, sorry you had such a rough day. Your pics are beautiful as usually though. :) The sky really did look like it was amazing. And it's cool you and a few board members are going on a trip! Yay! If you get the chance drop by North Dakota...yeah right eh?
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