You need to put your pants back on, honey.

I was going through my iTunes collection, adding album art and I found that via google. I like the picture, you know?
Anyways, looks like Celey, Sarah and ... The W ... didn't make it in time for the official guest post week. If they're still up to it they can write the posts later. I'll look forward to reading them! Now then, I hope taking isabel and mongoose off of my blog wont delete their posts...I'll back em up before I delete.
Anyways, looks like Celey, Sarah and ... The W ... didn't make it in time for the official guest post week. If they're still up to it they can write the posts later. I'll look forward to reading them! Now then, I hope taking isabel and mongoose off of my blog wont delete their posts...I'll back em up before I delete.
Now Playing: The Brakes by Kurtis Blow.
I actually got that song from the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City soundtrack. WILDSTYLE BITCHES! With a Mr. Magic Rap Attack™! Speaking of Grandtheft Auto, what Sgt. Mongoose said was true, I was playing quite a bit of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas while in my absence.
I actually got that song from the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City soundtrack. WILDSTYLE BITCHES! With a Mr. Magic Rap Attack™! Speaking of Grandtheft Auto, what Sgt. Mongoose said was true, I was playing quite a bit of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas while in my absence.
It was funny, because this song:
Now Playing: Free Bird (Original) by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Came on during the first mission involving Mad Dogg. And he was getting ready to jump from a building.
Free Bird. Suicide Jump. You see? It was funny 'cause the almost same thing happened in Forrest Gump.
I also came across this in my iTunes search.
No idea what it is, but there's something in flash on the other end of that link. Maybe you should check it out.
In the process of writting this blog post, as well as adding album art to my iTunes collection, I got caught up in an Evangelion manga. If you've seen episode 26 of the series (not the movie) then you kind of get where it starts, but it keeps going from there. It is interesting. I hate to admit it, but it's a lot like Mullholland Drive in that you have the same characters but they're in two totally different situations, yet they're the same situation. You have to decide for yourself which reality is the dream world and which one is the real one...I find it interesting. Maybe if you are into staying up all night like me, you could read it. It's a good thing to do if you're lonely.
But it is really interesting to see the contrast of the same characters in a more normal situation. All the characters are classmates and Misato is the teacher...and aparently, Shinji gets a girlfriend. I am extreamly interested in this. Shinji gets a girlfriend. That's just weird. Could this be what they call...angst?
Yes. Here's a photo montage of what motivated me to read about 300 pages of this manga.

Well Shinji is something of a modest guy...But he must like her too...
But even this isn't the best.
The grand Finale...
それらは風呂に入っています! And enjoying it too!
Damn...I wish I could take a hot bath with a girl that liked me when I was 14. That would've made my day, I tell you what. Hell, I wish it could happen now.
But even this isn't the best.
The grand Finale...

Damn...I wish I could take a hot bath with a girl that liked me when I was 14. That would've made my day, I tell you what. Hell, I wish it could happen now.
Now Playing: Girlfriend in a Coma by The Smiths
But seriously, Evangelion is an awesome anime to me. The writing, the editing, the acting, the miguffins...all awesome. It's almost like the whole plot is a giant McGuffin which allows us to view scenes like one of my favorite scenes in the whole show... the episode where Gendo opens the plug with his bare hands, and then later on in the show Shinji does it too. And then after some awesome dialouge, Rei smiles. One of those perfect moments.
Since ADV is re-releasing the entire show remastered in 5.1 surround sound with remastered video and such, now is not a bad time to get the series. The only better time will be in a couple years when they re-release the whole show again for HD. I can't wait, and most likely will buy the whole show again. For now, I'm satsified with the DVDs. I just got the latest one in the mail a day or two ago. Only 3 episodes on it though! 3! You couldn't have given us some extras? I'm sick of ADV's arrogance on the commentarys and stuff too. I don't give a crap about the dub. It sucks. Improv comedians from Texas shouldn't be reading dialouge for Neon Genesis Evangelion. Damnit.
Oh my god. I just realized. I had came across this comic before, and I even mentioned it in the blog! Unless this is all some weird case of deja vu...
and it is 5 in the morning now. My eyes hurt a little but I'm not tired.
Now playing: Hello by Ice Cube featuring Dr. Dre and M.C. Ren.
We started this Gangsta Sh*t, you mean to tell me this the thanks we get?
So what else deserves going over? Oh yeah. You haven't heard from me in a while, have you? I think an Ed update is nessesary. Hope you enjoy it!
Ed sprained both of his ankles! Yes, it is true. You don't believe me then look at this.
And this!
You have no idea how hard it is to take a picture of your ankle. Especially when you can't stand on it.
What else happened? Oh yes. Christmas happened! What'd I get? Nothing worth mentioning, really...but I did get these:
That's right.
I have no idea who came up with these, but the concept is awesome. You stick the two guys togeather, then you throw 'em at the wall. The first one to hit the ground loses! Well, I haven't really had time to get em to compete, as they've been stuck on the celing since we got the bloody things, and they kinda look good up there.
New years came and went...and we're now in the year 2005.
This is by far the most lonely New Years I've ever experienced. I sat alone in the living room...and almost missed the whole thing. At midnight, I opened the front door and listened to the booms coming from outside.
What else...Oh! I discovered this!
Passionate buttsex indeed.
A translator similar to babelfish translated that last line to be "Sex of the passionate anus." Not bad.
Can I top that? Don't think so. It's now 6:08 in the AM. I should probably hit it.
But I'm not tired...
Maybe this flash game based on the Shinji Girlfriend game will keep me company until I pass out.
Happy new year everyone. 2005 whoo! I'll be 20 this year! Whoo! 8 months and 6 days to go!
Now playing: Ideal Woman by William Shatner.
Oh my god. I just realized. I had came across this comic before, and I even mentioned it in the blog! Unless this is all some weird case of deja vu...
and it is 5 in the morning now. My eyes hurt a little but I'm not tired.
Now playing: Hello by Ice Cube featuring Dr. Dre and M.C. Ren.
We started this Gangsta Sh*t, you mean to tell me this the thanks we get?
So what else deserves going over? Oh yeah. You haven't heard from me in a while, have you? I think an Ed update is nessesary. Hope you enjoy it!
Ed sprained both of his ankles! Yes, it is true. You don't believe me then look at this.

And this!

You have no idea how hard it is to take a picture of your ankle. Especially when you can't stand on it.
What else happened? Oh yes. Christmas happened! What'd I get? Nothing worth mentioning, really...but I did get these:

That's right.
I have no idea who came up with these, but the concept is awesome. You stick the two guys togeather, then you throw 'em at the wall. The first one to hit the ground loses! Well, I haven't really had time to get em to compete, as they've been stuck on the celing since we got the bloody things, and they kinda look good up there.
New years came and went...and we're now in the year 2005.
This is by far the most lonely New Years I've ever experienced. I sat alone in the living room...and almost missed the whole thing. At midnight, I opened the front door and listened to the booms coming from outside.
What else...Oh! I discovered this!
Passionate buttsex indeed.
A translator similar to babelfish translated that last line to be "Sex of the passionate anus." Not bad.
Can I top that? Don't think so. It's now 6:08 in the AM. I should probably hit it.
But I'm not tired...
Maybe this flash game based on the Shinji Girlfriend game will keep me company until I pass out.
Happy new year everyone. 2005 whoo! I'll be 20 this year! Whoo! 8 months and 6 days to go!
Now playing: Ideal Woman by William Shatner.
Hmm this raises a good question! Would Celey like Neon Genesis Evangelion.
I dare anyone who isn't too cynical to not like Evangelion.
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