Onaka ga sukimashita!

Damn you, Rod Stewert! I'm hungry! Did you have to eat that pizza right in front of me?

Okay, maybe not that hungry...
I am pretty hungry though. Here I am, at work, starving.
I can't eat until 2! DAMNIT!

I need something to eat...
Hmm...just you wait, precious stomach, you'll be taken care of just as soon as this class is over...
And my stupid ankles are crapping out on me still. It was really hard getting to work today.
Hopefully it wont rain before I go home. If it rains while I'm going home, I think i'll be okay, but...I don't wanna sit down on a wet seat!

Then there's that problem.
At least I'm out of the house though. I haven't left my house in at least 3 days. Kind of sad really. I don't know...
I wish I could have more friends who'd actually want me to do something with them. It sucks.
I did make one resolution. Next new years eve, I must do something.
I don't care if I'm by myself, something must be done! Something, anything!
Aren't resolutions made to be broken?

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