Do I need to split hairs here?
And what happened then? In South Park they say, Johny Cochrane's heart grew three sizes that day.
"Look at the monkey, look at the silly monkey."
That was the last anyone heard of the poor Mr. Cochrane...Because on Tuesday, March 29, 2005, at 7:49:38 PM, we were interupted of our showing of The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement with this message from the conductor:
"Johny Cochrane passed away at 67 years old today."
That just about sums up our trip.
Gonna be a long post tonight, folks. This post contains extream language. Reader discretion is advised.
Before I get into talkings about our trip, and pictures and all other types of ill shit like that, I want to get something off my chest.
I was at school today, and I bought a bag of sunchips and a Mocha Frappuccino® Blended Coffee and I got my change...and I found this.

The first quarter released in 2005 honors California, and is the 31st in the United States Mint's 50 State Quarters® Program. California was admitted into the Union on September 9, 1850, becoming our Nation’s 31st State. Nicknamed the "Golden State," California’s quarter depicts naturalist and conservationist John Muir admiring Yosemite Valley’s monolithic granite headwall known as "Half Dome" and also contains a soaring California condor. The coin bears the inscriptions "California," "John Muir," "Yosemite Valley" and "1850."
What the fuck? Where's Hollywood? Lake Tahoe? Ansil Adams? The god damn Golden Gate Bridge? Golden Gate Park? Mount Shasta? Agriculture? Fucking gold rush?! The Golden Bear? THE FUCKING CALIFORNIA CHEESE? What the hell? I mean, don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with Yosemite or John Muir, but damn.
Wouldn't this have been a sweet quarter?

Moving on, I'm sure you're all anxious to hear about the trip!~ Well let's get crackin' eh?
The day started off like any other. Went to work. Did some crap... Went home. Took a shower. All that good stuff. Then I had to pack...that wasn't fun. But I got it done...Then I found I packed all my clothes! What was I supposed to wear on the train? My damned boxers? As comfortable as I'm sure that'd be, I doubt anyone else on the train would have felt the same. So, I found some shitty sweats and my TechFutures Class of 2003 t-shirt. Then Isabel came over. And after some various shit, we went to the Emeryville train station, and had a good time. Mom and dad parked while we checked our luggage, and then since they got a parking space they waited at the station.
Thing is, the train wouldn't be there for another several hours. Also, Isabel and I wanted to go to the Emeryville Public Market. Cause,'s a nice place or something.
She got a gyro.

I got a burger and a coke with some fries, 'cause that's the thing to do these days. However, something wasn't right.

The coke! It tasted terrible. Either there was some kind of nasty shit in the cup or their syrup mixture was way off. It tasted like poison. It probably was. I didn't finish it...and I paid for that shit too! Terrible... But moving on.
We went to Borders Bookstore and picked out some, uh, gifts. I kind of feel stupid for not taking a picture of them. Mongoose, you better photograph them asap. The fake bill, the chicken and the erotic poster.
As we were walking around though, I noticed this:

Star Wars endorsed lotto tickets. Oh yeah. I love it. It fits with the whole star wars theme our trip had with the confused chewbaccas and stuff.
Oh, just incase you were wondering what Mongoose was talking about...

I just thought it was weird Chewie all of a sudden had fingers...There were also Cheez-its.

That's the one I picked, cause I didn't like the idea of oatmeal in my raisin bran.
We eventually got tired of the market, and we didn't want to leave mom and dad in the train station all night guarding our bags. So we ran back over and hung with them for a little while, and then they left...and the train was still hours away. Joy.
Good thing we had laptops and stuff. We watched some of Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind which was fun.
Then at a certain point I said we should go outside so we wont miss the train.

Ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light?

Mother fucker.
Then it was a long train ride to ... wherever it was we were headed. I will forever hate Bakersfield, especially after it forced us to wait for three hours in Sacra-fucking-mento. I watched the rest of Nausicca, and Isabel fell asleep. I didn't get that opourtunity really. Saw the moon set though, that was pretty cool. Tried to photograph it, didn't work too well from a moving train.
Dawn of the Second Day

Weird mountain type things.

Mount Shasta. Yeah. I think...
One of the things that kept cracking me up was what they said over the intercom before every stop. "Have breath of fresh air and a smoke..." Need I say more? That's just terrible.

Here is one of those stops.

Captains Log Stardate 94530.708
Several hours of boring trainride with dead batteries all around and we made it to Oregon! And saw someone...

Do a little dance...Make a little love...

Shakespear is evil and can suck my wang.
Near Tim's comedy sports thing, there was this restruant:


Moving on...We then did stay at his house one night, and then I played some Taiko Drum thing, which was fun. It would have been funner if they had the full version of My Sharona instead of the Alvin and the Chipmunks version.

On the train.
And we then made it all the way to Seattle. And it was wet. But not bad. I don't think I took any pictures on the first day, it wasn't until that night, at the Jet City Improv dealie that I took some pictures. Actually no, that's wrong...What the fuck am I talking about? I think my pictures are just out of order. Rather than re-order them, I'm going to take you through things non-chronologically. Tough titty.

The Vegan Pizza place had an Etch A Sketch! And pinball. It wasn't bad, even if it was a grass-eating pussy vegan restruant. They did have a way to order a pizza online, which impressed me. Also, they had a little Mario Kart toy, which amused me for a few seconds.
But yeah. Let's move on away from such things as pussy veggie resturants that make pizza without cheese...*shudders*
We doin' Big Pimpin' and spendin' cheese. Yeah. And let's ra-ah-a-a-a-a-a. Big Pimpin' up in Seattle C'!
Moving on.
Oh here's that picture he was talking about:

スペース ニーダル!

View from the top of...some oil device...

Same view without telescope.

Easter Sunday on the Space Needle

At least we weren't the only godless sons-of-bitches at the top of the Space Needle on Easter Sunday. But, at least this kid is with her family. Or else that's some creepy kidnapper. But try to think positive.

Nice...sound? Is it called a sound?

There's the bastards who wouldn't take my picture from the top. So I have no proof that I was at the top! DAMNIT!

There was a security guard coloring with the kiddies and the easter bunny (who had way too big feet. It made me doubt my manhood.)
Oh before we go down from the Space Needle...It's time for a little...

Pepsi sign. /end foreshadowing

Next stop: EMP and the SCI-FI Museum.
On our way to the Sci-Fi Museum, we ran across this dude:




Hi Gort, how ya doing?

Which one am I again?
Don't get me wrong, the Sci-Fi museum was kick ass cool. I bought one of those punching nun things, only it was a pink glowing-green-eyed alien instead of a nun. But it was cool. However, we exited the museum to find out that we came down from the Space Needle too soon, as...

IT CLEARED UP! Son of a bitch.
Somewhat pooped, we went back to the Monorail. Oh, I forgot to mention they have a monorail? Well they do. What I say? Monorail! What's it called? Monorail.

The light was cool, bouncing off of the EMP.

There's the monorail track. Course it wasn't a disneyland monorail, had to be a fruity 20th century monorail. Bastards.

View of the track and the needle.

Magic Hour
Dawn of The Final Day

For whatever meal it was we ate first, we went to Int'l Teriyaki. Yeah... That's why we went there. It wasn't magical, I'll say that.
Then we went to the Pike market or whatever it was called. Those two fuckers spent a damn hour in a god damn bookstore looking at Science Fiction books. NERDS!
Then we walked down a ways to a comic book store.

Something about rack after rack of bondage faries was interesting to me.

With all those books, you'd think they'd have a copy of Sin City, but NOOOO. I had to go into that movie blind.
Remember how I said the pictures went out of order? Well, we're going backwards for a minute here.

I have woke up screaming every night after seeing this.

They got a kick out of this.
Okay back to where I left off, after leaving the comic book store we went out and checked some shit out.

Sexy man. Or so they say...

I like it better this way.

That is Isabel's outline

Ed @ first Starbucks.
We then decided to rush to catch the sunset.

There were totem poles.

Do you want to see MY totem pole?
Then we decided to do our christian rock album cover.

Where's George Lucas when you need his special effects?
Once the sun was down, we treked back.
Yahoo Serious

Somewhere on this trek, the name Yahoo Serious popped up for the first time.

That's right, the very same Yahoo Serious in that photo.
At the time, we thought nothing of it.
Later that night we decided we were hungry...What to do, we said. We left the hotel in search of some kind of interesting and tasty resturant. We crossed over from the right and wrong side of the tracks repeatedly. Never quite knowing where we were going. I knew something was wrong when I saw this sign:

I stared at the sign too long and it started to have a hypnotic effect on me...

Thank god I was surrounded by two other godless liberals and they snapped me out of it.
We were certainly lost in a city we didn't know much about. We might have been able to find our way back to the hotel, but we sure as shit weren't going to find any cool indy resturant that I could eat at anytime soon... We knew we were at a dead end when we saw this...

But there was one shiny bit of a guideing light to food. Sure, it may not have been the best food or our best option, but at least at this place we knew what we were in for. Or so we thought.
We entered the Outback Steakhouse.
Tim said something somewhat disturbing about the bloomin' onion. At this time I can't remember what it was...

There is something really scary going on now...
But we ordered our food without too much trouble...Or so I thought. When it came time for Tim to order his drink...He said he wanted a tall glass of Yahoo Serious Iced Tea.

EWW! Is that the iced tea?

(This picture was from earlier in the day, but I swear the facial expression was the same in that booth and the only sound possible from that face is either AHHH! or SHWAAA????!)
The waitress was good though, a little too good to be able to get over a blow like that. This could only mean that Yahoo Serious Iced Tea, or worse yet, a tall glass of it, was some sort of Aussie code for "I'm on to you." Taken aback, the waitress walked away.
Later, she returned with our food.

My burger. At places like this, I always get a burger. Cause how can you fuck up a burger?
My food was decent, if not in insanely large portions. Tim's however...
Well, you can read his blog to find out about his cinnamon apples.
Wikipedia says of Serious:
Yahoo Serious (born July 27 1953), originally known as Greg Pead (name-change by deed poll in 1980), is an Australian film maker.
In 1988, Serious wrote, produced, and directed Young Einstein, an intentionally inaccurate movie portraying Albert Einstein as a young farmer in Tasmania who discovers rock music. The movie was an international hit, grossing over $26 million, and propelled Serious to stardom.
This tells me two things: Wikipedia is under the influence of Yahoo Serious, Inc. and that the man is dangerous.

We had no choice but to sit there and finish our food. If they realized we suspected anything, they'd surely kill us. Luckily, Isabel got a phone call from some psycho friend of hers and that distracted us, at least for a little while, from Yahoo Serious.
We got up, paid, left and headed for the hotel. A cop rolled by.
I figured, we just survived a showdown with Yahoo Serious, cops don't scare me.
And then I proceeded to recite Ice Cube's verse from that very song. Good thing it wasn't very warm and it was dark so the cop's windows were rolled up.
Fuck tha police
Comin straight from the underground
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
They have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one
For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager
With a little bit of gold and a pager
Searchin my car, lookin for the product
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics
You'd rather see me in the pen
Then me and Lorenzo rollin in the Benzo
Beat tha police outta shape
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape
To tape off the scene of the slaughter
Still can't swallow bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what
Search a nigga down and grabbin his nuts
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
But don't let it be a black and a white one
Cuz they slam ya down to the street top
Black police showin out for the white cop
Ice Cube will swarm
On any muthafucka in a blue uniform
Just cuz I'm from the CPT, punk police are afraid of me
A young nigga on a warpath
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath
Of cops, dyin in LA
Yo Dre, I got somethin to say
Fuck the police (4X)
But yes. We survived. And we lived to tell the tale. But not a day goes by when we don't look over our shoulder for the creepy 'fro of Yahoo Serious. The only other white boy 'fro in the world that could take on mine.
Goodbye :'(

Good idea: Meet friend. Bad Idea: Sleep with him
Damn, my butthole still hurts, man.
Well, the next morning, we got a exclusive limo ride from the travelodge towncar. Got on the train. Watched The Big Lebowski. Arrived in Eugene, Oregon.


Oh my god...what's that lurking in the shadows! Is that an aussie 'fro?
Well, I guess we were too late to save Tim. Off the train goes, back for the 20 some odd hour trip back to California.
On the train, we watched The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement and The Forgotten. I was pleasently surprised with both movies. But now my secret is out...I like movies like The Princess Diaries...

There was a rainbow on the trip. Spiffy.
We made it back two hours late, and Irene gave us a ride back to the Cerrito.
And that was our trip. Hope you enjoyed the report.
Slight preview of things to come. I know Isabel will hate this, but tough. Fair Use Bitches!
"Look at the monkey, look at the silly monkey."
That was the last anyone heard of the poor Mr. Cochrane...Because on Tuesday, March 29, 2005, at 7:49:38 PM, we were interupted of our showing of The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement with this message from the conductor:
"Johny Cochrane passed away at 67 years old today."
That just about sums up our trip.
Gonna be a long post tonight, folks. This post contains extream language. Reader discretion is advised.
Before I get into talkings about our trip, and pictures and all other types of ill shit like that, I want to get something off my chest.
I was at school today, and I bought a bag of sunchips and a Mocha Frappuccino® Blended Coffee and I got my change...and I found this.

The first quarter released in 2005 honors California, and is the 31st in the United States Mint's 50 State Quarters® Program. California was admitted into the Union on September 9, 1850, becoming our Nation’s 31st State. Nicknamed the "Golden State," California’s quarter depicts naturalist and conservationist John Muir admiring Yosemite Valley’s monolithic granite headwall known as "Half Dome" and also contains a soaring California condor. The coin bears the inscriptions "California," "John Muir," "Yosemite Valley" and "1850."
What the fuck? Where's Hollywood? Lake Tahoe? Ansil Adams? The god damn Golden Gate Bridge? Golden Gate Park? Mount Shasta? Agriculture? Fucking gold rush?! The Golden Bear? THE FUCKING CALIFORNIA CHEESE? What the hell? I mean, don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with Yosemite or John Muir, but damn.
Wouldn't this have been a sweet quarter?

Moving on, I'm sure you're all anxious to hear about the trip!~ Well let's get crackin' eh?
The day started off like any other. Went to work. Did some crap... Went home. Took a shower. All that good stuff. Then I had to pack...that wasn't fun. But I got it done...Then I found I packed all my clothes! What was I supposed to wear on the train? My damned boxers? As comfortable as I'm sure that'd be, I doubt anyone else on the train would have felt the same. So, I found some shitty sweats and my TechFutures Class of 2003 t-shirt. Then Isabel came over. And after some various shit, we went to the Emeryville train station, and had a good time. Mom and dad parked while we checked our luggage, and then since they got a parking space they waited at the station.
Thing is, the train wouldn't be there for another several hours. Also, Isabel and I wanted to go to the Emeryville Public Market. Cause,'s a nice place or something.
She got a gyro.

I got a burger and a coke with some fries, 'cause that's the thing to do these days. However, something wasn't right.

The coke! It tasted terrible. Either there was some kind of nasty shit in the cup or their syrup mixture was way off. It tasted like poison. It probably was. I didn't finish it...and I paid for that shit too! Terrible... But moving on.
We went to Borders Bookstore and picked out some, uh, gifts. I kind of feel stupid for not taking a picture of them. Mongoose, you better photograph them asap. The fake bill, the chicken and the erotic poster.
As we were walking around though, I noticed this:

Star Wars endorsed lotto tickets. Oh yeah. I love it. It fits with the whole star wars theme our trip had with the confused chewbaccas and stuff.
Oh, just incase you were wondering what Mongoose was talking about...

I just thought it was weird Chewie all of a sudden had fingers...There were also Cheez-its.

That's the one I picked, cause I didn't like the idea of oatmeal in my raisin bran.
We eventually got tired of the market, and we didn't want to leave mom and dad in the train station all night guarding our bags. So we ran back over and hung with them for a little while, and then they left...and the train was still hours away. Joy.
Good thing we had laptops and stuff. We watched some of Nausicaä and the Valley of the Wind which was fun.
Then at a certain point I said we should go outside so we wont miss the train.

Ever danced with the devil by the pale moon light?

Mother fucker.
Then it was a long train ride to ... wherever it was we were headed. I will forever hate Bakersfield, especially after it forced us to wait for three hours in Sacra-fucking-mento. I watched the rest of Nausicca, and Isabel fell asleep. I didn't get that opourtunity really. Saw the moon set though, that was pretty cool. Tried to photograph it, didn't work too well from a moving train.
Dawn of the Second Day

Weird mountain type things.

Mount Shasta. Yeah. I think...
One of the things that kept cracking me up was what they said over the intercom before every stop. "Have breath of fresh air and a smoke..." Need I say more? That's just terrible.

Here is one of those stops.

Captains Log Stardate 94530.708
Several hours of boring trainride with dead batteries all around and we made it to Oregon! And saw someone...

Do a little dance...Make a little love...

Shakespear is evil and can suck my wang.
Near Tim's comedy sports thing, there was this restruant:


Moving on...We then did stay at his house one night, and then I played some Taiko Drum thing, which was fun. It would have been funner if they had the full version of My Sharona instead of the Alvin and the Chipmunks version.

I think I actually have this album. Not on 8-track though. 8-track is for pussies.

On the train.
And we then made it all the way to Seattle. And it was wet. But not bad. I don't think I took any pictures on the first day, it wasn't until that night, at the Jet City Improv dealie that I took some pictures. Actually no, that's wrong...What the fuck am I talking about? I think my pictures are just out of order. Rather than re-order them, I'm going to take you through things non-chronologically. Tough titty.

But yeah. Let's move on away from such things as pussy veggie resturants that make pizza without cheese...*shudders*
We doin' Big Pimpin' and spendin' cheese. Yeah. And let's ra-ah-a-a-a-a-a. Big Pimpin' up in Seattle C'!
Moving on.
Oh here's that picture he was talking about:

スペース ニーダル!

View from the top of...some oil device...

Same view without telescope.

Easter Sunday on the Space Needle

At least we weren't the only godless sons-of-bitches at the top of the Space Needle on Easter Sunday. But, at least this kid is with her family. Or else that's some creepy kidnapper. But try to think positive.

Nice...sound? Is it called a sound?

There's the bastards who wouldn't take my picture from the top. So I have no proof that I was at the top! DAMNIT!

There was a security guard coloring with the kiddies and the easter bunny (who had way too big feet. It made me doubt my manhood.)
Oh before we go down from the Space Needle...It's time for a little...

Pepsi sign. /end foreshadowing

Next stop: EMP and the SCI-FI Museum.
On our way to the Sci-Fi Museum, we ran across this dude:




Hi Gort, how ya doing?

Which one am I again?
Don't get me wrong, the Sci-Fi museum was kick ass cool. I bought one of those punching nun things, only it was a pink glowing-green-eyed alien instead of a nun. But it was cool. However, we exited the museum to find out that we came down from the Space Needle too soon, as...

IT CLEARED UP! Son of a bitch.
Somewhat pooped, we went back to the Monorail. Oh, I forgot to mention they have a monorail? Well they do. What I say? Monorail! What's it called? Monorail.

The light was cool, bouncing off of the EMP.

There's the monorail track. Course it wasn't a disneyland monorail, had to be a fruity 20th century monorail. Bastards.

View of the track and the needle.

Magic Hour
Dawn of The Final Day

Then we went to the Pike market or whatever it was called. Those two fuckers spent a damn hour in a god damn bookstore looking at Science Fiction books. NERDS!
Then we walked down a ways to a comic book store.

Something about rack after rack of bondage faries was interesting to me.

With all those books, you'd think they'd have a copy of Sin City, but NOOOO. I had to go into that movie blind.
Remember how I said the pictures went out of order? Well, we're going backwards for a minute here.

I have woke up screaming every night after seeing this.

They got a kick out of this.
Okay back to where I left off, after leaving the comic book store we went out and checked some shit out.

Sexy man. Or so they say...

I like it better this way.

That is Isabel's outline

Ed @ first Starbucks.
We then decided to rush to catch the sunset.

There were totem poles.

Do you want to see MY totem pole?
Then we decided to do our christian rock album cover.

Where's George Lucas when you need his special effects?
Once the sun was down, we treked back.
Yahoo Serious

Somewhere on this trek, the name Yahoo Serious popped up for the first time.

That's right, the very same Yahoo Serious in that photo.
At the time, we thought nothing of it.
Later that night we decided we were hungry...What to do, we said. We left the hotel in search of some kind of interesting and tasty resturant. We crossed over from the right and wrong side of the tracks repeatedly. Never quite knowing where we were going. I knew something was wrong when I saw this sign:

I stared at the sign too long and it started to have a hypnotic effect on me...

We were certainly lost in a city we didn't know much about. We might have been able to find our way back to the hotel, but we sure as shit weren't going to find any cool indy resturant that I could eat at anytime soon... We knew we were at a dead end when we saw this...

But there was one shiny bit of a guideing light to food. Sure, it may not have been the best food or our best option, but at least at this place we knew what we were in for. Or so we thought.
We entered the Outback Steakhouse.
Tim said something somewhat disturbing about the bloomin' onion. At this time I can't remember what it was...

There is something really scary going on now...
But we ordered our food without too much trouble...Or so I thought. When it came time for Tim to order his drink...He said he wanted a tall glass of Yahoo Serious Iced Tea.

EWW! Is that the iced tea?

(This picture was from earlier in the day, but I swear the facial expression was the same in that booth and the only sound possible from that face is either AHHH! or SHWAAA????!)
The waitress was good though, a little too good to be able to get over a blow like that. This could only mean that Yahoo Serious Iced Tea, or worse yet, a tall glass of it, was some sort of Aussie code for "I'm on to you." Taken aback, the waitress walked away.
Later, she returned with our food.

My burger. At places like this, I always get a burger. Cause how can you fuck up a burger?
Well, you can read his blog to find out about his cinnamon apples.
Wikipedia says of Serious:
Yahoo Serious (born July 27 1953), originally known as Greg Pead (name-change by deed poll in 1980), is an Australian film maker.
In 1988, Serious wrote, produced, and directed Young Einstein, an intentionally inaccurate movie portraying Albert Einstein as a young farmer in Tasmania who discovers rock music. The movie was an international hit, grossing over $26 million, and propelled Serious to stardom.
This tells me two things: Wikipedia is under the influence of Yahoo Serious, Inc. and that the man is dangerous.

We had no choice but to sit there and finish our food. If they realized we suspected anything, they'd surely kill us. Luckily, Isabel got a phone call from some psycho friend of hers and that distracted us, at least for a little while, from Yahoo Serious.
We got up, paid, left and headed for the hotel. A cop rolled by.
I figured, we just survived a showdown with Yahoo Serious, cops don't scare me.
And then I proceeded to recite Ice Cube's verse from that very song. Good thing it wasn't very warm and it was dark so the cop's windows were rolled up.
Fuck tha police
Comin straight from the underground
Young nigga got it bad cuz I'm brown
And not the other color so police think
They have the authority to kill a minority
Fuck that shit, cuz I ain't tha one
For a punk muthafucka with a badge and a gun
To be beatin on, and throwin in jail
We could go toe to toe in the middle of a cell
Fuckin with me cuz I'm a teenager
With a little bit of gold and a pager
Searchin my car, lookin for the product
Thinkin every nigga is sellin narcotics
You'd rather see me in the pen
Then me and Lorenzo rollin in the Benzo
Beat tha police outta shape
And when I'm finished, bring the yellow tape
To tape off the scene of the slaughter
Still can't swallow bread and water
I don't know if they fags or what
Search a nigga down and grabbin his nuts
And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
But don't let it be a black and a white one
Cuz they slam ya down to the street top
Black police showin out for the white cop
Ice Cube will swarm
On any muthafucka in a blue uniform
Just cuz I'm from the CPT, punk police are afraid of me
A young nigga on a warpath
And when I'm finished, it's gonna be a bloodbath
Of cops, dyin in LA
Yo Dre, I got somethin to say
Fuck the police (4X)
But yes. We survived. And we lived to tell the tale. But not a day goes by when we don't look over our shoulder for the creepy 'fro of Yahoo Serious. The only other white boy 'fro in the world that could take on mine.
Goodbye :'(

Good idea: Meet friend. Bad Idea: Sleep with him
Damn, my butthole still hurts, man.
Well, the next morning, we got a exclusive limo ride from the travelodge towncar. Got on the train. Watched The Big Lebowski. Arrived in Eugene, Oregon.


Oh my god...what's that lurking in the shadows! Is that an aussie 'fro?
Well, I guess we were too late to save Tim. Off the train goes, back for the 20 some odd hour trip back to California.
On the train, we watched The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement and The Forgotten. I was pleasently surprised with both movies. But now my secret is out...I like movies like The Princess Diaries...

There was a rainbow on the trip. Spiffy.
We made it back two hours late, and Irene gave us a ride back to the Cerrito.
And that was our trip. Hope you enjoyed the report.
Slight preview of things to come. I know Isabel will hate this, but tough. Fair Use Bitches!

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