No, I just think I'm gonna barf!

At last I have control of your TV set! Are you reciving me?
If you're into hearing about seeing Oliver Stone, Click Here. The post begins with a bunch of boring family crap.
I didn't really want to do this. I wanted to let someone else do it. But then she had to go and be selfish, and lazy. So instead, I will be writing tonight's blog post instead of Sarah.
But I'll forgive her. ...this time.
You see how her name is there up in the right beneath mine? Well. How long has that been there? Like forever? At least since I sprained my ankles and spawned a whole set of guest posts due to drug inebriation. True, I am no longer inebriated by anything but laziness, I still like a good guest post damnit! I expect, I hope, I pray that there will be at least one guest post this week. Even if it isn't by Sarah.
Yeah. That's right Sarah, some people do it for free! You sell out.
Anyway. Sarah complained that she couldn't think of anything to write for the longest time, so instead what I did was I gave her a bunch of stuff to write about. So, easy right? Should get to see her blog post asap right? WRONG! She got selfish and wouldn't do it 'till I send her some cds or something. Well, I can't wait that long. I've got things to do, people to see. And I can't wait to talk about these pictures, so I'll have to do it. Sarah can talk about some other pictures on another day. Okay? Maybe she'll even share her pictures with you. Wouldn't that be nice? Damn right it would. Also, everyone, would you please comment and express how much you'd like Sarah to share her wonderful pictures? Please let her know you would.
I know I would.
But I should get started, huh?
Sorry, but yes. No school for a whole week. And come this Friday, I'll be chillin' in da hood with Isabel and Sgt. Mongoose. So whoo to that, eh? I'll be sure to share many, many pictures from our trip once I get them, provided my camrea doesn't crap out.
It is nearing the end of it's life. BUT IT IS NOT THERE YET! So, let's get started with some pictures from my grandparent's 50th wedding aniversary.
If I read names, I will always list them from left to right unless otherwise noted. (For example, I might say 右ー>左 to let you know.)

My cousins Shauna and Tory...dancing, aparently.

Me and a ball.

Blake trying to be funny by giving me the peace sign. Grandpa and some unknown are behind us.

Dad. Look how young he was!

Some guy standing next to Kerwin giving me...rabbit ears? Is that what they're called?

There I am sitting next to my grandmother. Uh, Yeah. whee.

Me at daycare when I was little.

My dad with Uncles Dave, Rick, and Vince.

Blake, me, Trissy, mom, Tory and Brooke

Let's see...That's Brooke, Tory, Trissy, Shauna, me and Blake.
And that's enough of that. Interesting isn't it? I've posted pictures of a lot of those people before, look a bit different these days don't they? For example: Trissy then vs. Trissy now.

Yeah. Anywah.

hallybods: 03/17/2005 12:32 PM
Bloody hell! I didn't think anyone ever won those competitions.
So about the computer issues. Still kind of malfunctions...Don't know what to do about that.


Such a weird...idea. People are lazy.
So now, were you expecting this post to just have a bunch of old nostalgic crappy photos and scans of obscure buisness cards? Well you were wrong. Very wrong. Even a boring person such as me has something exciting happen every once and a while! Want/need proof? Well here it is.

Yes. I had a ticket to see Oliver Twist. I mean...No...Wait...What was it?
Oh yes! I got to see Oliver Stone! (*Applause*)

He was...tired?
Well, maybe I'm jumping into it too fast? Let me start from the begining.
About a week ago, a guy named Fishamaphone pointed me in the direction of this website showing a guy holding hostages.
[14:01] fishamaphone: I'm not entirely sure it's real, though...
[14:01] Edcool1: hmm
[14:01] Edcool1: why wouldn't it be?
[14:02] fishamaphone: 4th pic, when the guy's being shot, he's leaning *inside* the building... the bullet is coming from outside, which means its force would push him even further inside
[14:02] fishamaphone: why does he fall outside?
[14:02] Edcool1: uhh
[14:06] Edcool1: haven't you seen a chicken flop around with it's head cut off?
[14:06] fishamaphone: that's something different
[14:06] Edcool1: how is it?
[14:06] fishamaphone: chicken's brain is positioned differently inside the skull
[14:06] Edcool1: its' still in it's scull
[14:06] Edcool1: and if you remove the head
[14:06] fishamaphone: a portion of the brain stem is actually *not* removed when you cut it off
[14:06] Edcool1: the brain is gone
[14:06] fishamaphone: stem
[14:07] Edcool1: what part of that guy's brain stem is removed when he gets shot?
[14:07] fishamaphone: the part that the bullet touches :-p
[14:07] Edcool1: how do you know he got shot in the brain stem?
[14:07] Edcool1: haven't you seen the film of JFK getting shot?
[14:08] fishamaphone: nope
[14:08] Edcool1: there was a very distinct jerk
[14:08] fishamaphone: just the film of him waving just prior ot
[14:08] fishamaphone: *to
[14:08] Edcool1: its a film
[14:08] Edcool1: refered to as the zapruder film
I would *not* know that if it weren't for Oliver Stone and his film JFK.
So then I get an e-mail:
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2005 21:40:14 -0800 (PST)
From: Cinema Collective <>
Subject: No meeting this Monday, March 14, going to see Oliver Stone, you're invited!!!!!
Hey everyone, this Monday, there will be no meeting and movie night in the Casablanca room. We as a Collective are going to Berkeley to hear Oliver Stone talk!! He will be speaking on campus at UC Berkeley in Wheeler Auditorium at 7:30 that evening. It is FREE!! Oliver Stone directed such films as Platoon, Born on the 4th Of July, JFK, Natural Born Killers and Any Given Sunday. We will be leaving to go to this event from campus. Meet in front of the Casablanca room, Creative Arts 158 at 4:30. We will be leaving at the latest at 5PM to be there on time. It is first come, first served so we need to get there early.
If people have any questions, they can call me on my cell 415-317-5249. Just keep in touch and then I'll know when we can leave. It should be a great event and who knows, maybe we'll meet him!! If people live in the East Bay and want to meet us there, that's cool too. Just let me know so we can meet up with you. Have a good weekend!!
Sam Messe
President, Cinema Collective
Cell: 415-317-5249
So, its like an omen or something less ominous.

Ready to go!

There's my kanji teacher. Look! Someone wrote Edo on the board. It was not me.

There's the cinema collective president. Yeah. THe one who wrote the e-mail.

With a big zit on his nose!
He had a friend and I got this little video of him singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer". It was hilarious.
So we ride several trains and arrive at...


Reservoir Dogs 2: UC Berkeley

And we make it to Wheeler Hall, where the event was being held. And he walks out and mostly he talks about Alexander and how poorly it was recieved in America and England, but how ell it did everywhere else. Most amazingly how well it did in Korea.
But he also admits how it wasn't as good as it could have been. He mention he only had 10 months to edit it, which is an incredible rush for a movie with so much footage and special effects and so on. And he also said that the DVD allowed him to work on it for another few months, so the DVD should be a lot better than what some of you may have seen in the theater.

I thought about asking him what he thought about Chris Rock's comments at the Oscars...but I don't particularly care, and I doubt he did either. He might not have even heard about it.
He also talked about how amazed he was at the homophobia in America and England, from the right and the left. He had been living in Europe for a while I suppose, and he just had no idea that there'd be such a strong reaction about the element's of Alexander's sexuality. He also said that those elements in the story were lessened in the DVD cut.

He also pimped this book, the making of alexander.

And then I got him to sign the playbill that they gave out.

Walking back to the train from Cal, I noticed this poster:
And I'd liek to see that.
And that was about it. Okay now I must warn you. The next picture is going to be...Err...FRIGHTENING...
You've been warned.
Hope that's enough line breaks.
Don't say I didn't warn you!

Look! It's me with my cinema collective buttons on. Wow, eh?
So now let's talk about the future. Come thursday night, Isabel and I will be on a train for oregon. The train station was weird...

They had these odd bathroom tokens laying around everywhere...
But we got the job done. Took us a half an hour to figure it all out though...and now I'm like totally broke...
But who cares!

The tickets.

Here's the train info we'll be on...

Isabel was particularly interested in this part, and insisted that we go to the kiddie car just to check it out... I don't think the Kiddie Car will be all that entertaining, but I'm down to check it out.
And uh. Yeah I'm not good with endings. The end of this edition of the blog post. Expect a special guest post sometime this week! Later ya'll.
Hey Ed,
Your Blogs are funny, especially one about the guy with the zit. That made me laugh. Do do u take those kinda pictures without anyone noticing?...mind, I better be well off to sleep, another week of school and them I'm free. Take care.
Much smiles, Jasmine
Yes, I love the candid photo.
You have quite an interesting fatuation with Fargo don't you? I'll be going there for Easter on Sunday. *smiles*
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