When I was a little boy, my family and I were on a plane at least once a year. As I got older, our other-stately visits weren't as frequent. I can remember, back when I was in the age range of 4-7, I was afraid of the man on the back of an alaska airlines airplane. I can remember a dream I had, where I was looking out of the window of an airplane, at a cliff, and sitting on the cliff were two lion looking creatures with the face of the alaska airlines mascott. So yeah, it was kind of creepy.

Hey, the flight attendant just gave me a tiny bag of Fisher Pretzels MINIS and a small glass of coke. *sips* Ahhh.
Yes, I am on an airplaine. Alaska Airlines flight 187. Wait, is that a bad sign? Was that dream I had back in the day some sort of omen? I have no idea. I'm not really a superstitious person though, so I'm not worried. Damn that coke is good. *snorts* Ahhh...
This is probably the shortest flight I've ever had the pleasure of riding. Like 1:01 flying time.
Now gangsta ass niggas come in all shapes and colors, some got killed in the past. Oh, last night I put a bunch of songs from my old computer onto this one. So I'm enjoying them. Ghetto Boys- Damn It Feels Good To Be a Gangster is what I just quoted, no I'm not a racist. I'm just quoting.
So what did I do to get here? Hey didn't I say I'd make a post about my last day in Lake Tahoe last week? Okay so I lied, I'm going to make it tonight. I can't really find my reference images while I'm on the plane, I'll have to wait 'till I get off the plane.
*Eats final Pretzels MINI and gulps down the last of soda* Ahhhhh.
As I look out the window, I can not see anything...I imagine the Pacific Ocean is over there, somewhere...
So wait, you might ask, "where the hell you going?" to that I'd say "Back up in yo' ass with the Resurrection."
Then I'd apologize, clear my throat, and say that I was going to visit my grandparents who are currently vacationing in Palm Springs, California. Mom and dad are already down there, enjoying themselves I'm sure. You know what sucks? It rained while they were there. Ain't that some shit? You go to the desert and it rains!? That's bullshit. Of course, before I got on the plane the lady said that the weather was all clear. At least for now. Should be interesting to see a wet desert.
Looking out the window a little closer, I can see some lights. I don't think those are boats. I can only imagine that now we are flying over the Central Valley, and that some pissant podunk town way out in the farmlands of California. I must say, 1 hour flight vs. 8 hour drive is really the way to go...wait though, maybe that's not...Damnit. I cant see down there. Some clouds are in the way.
Ooo turbulence. I like turbulence. As long as it's not the kind that'll like, kill you and crash the plane, I like it. It's like a roller coaster ride.
Woah, that's no hick town...there are quite a few lights over there...Not big enough to be anything really big though, it's not LA. I wonder if we'll even fly over LA. I kind of hope so, I don't know much about LA. It's a city that intrigues me. Damn my sentences are choppy tonight. I can't help it, this is what happens when you write down what you see out of the window. I guess my writing is always like this. If I really cared I could probably fix that...I'm not really paying attention to what i'm writing, I’m just staring out the window. If my writing has a lot of typos, that's why...
Damn! That fucking stewardess just threw away my cup with three ice cubes in it. I wasn't finished with that. I like ice. Oooh more turbulence. We're definitely not over the ocean.
I think I'm done with what of the post I'm going to write on the plane. Next time I write, I will be in (hopefully) sunny Palm Desert. We can hope, Eh?
Ahh, this is pretty weird. It’s all foggy out there. It looked like we were in fricking Los Angeles. Slick all over, wet and so on. It was cool though.
I’m now sitting in a chair in my uncle’s uh, winter? Summer? His house in Palm Desert. Pictures of this place will have to wait for another day, but, speaking of pictures, doesn’t that sound like a good time to recap what’s gone on in the last week or so? I do. So you do too, darnit.
As you recall I’m sure, we were in Lake Tahoe last weekend, and the morning we left, dad said “let’s go check out Nevada.” Maybe not in those words, but we did just that.

"Look, there’s a cash machine! Let’s play it!"
There is something really addictive about the sound a big hall filled with slot machines sound. I loved it. It honestly made me want to put a buck in one, but I resisted. Somehow.

Then we went to eat breakfast or something like that, and I saw something that shocked me.

Because we were in Nevada, it was legal to smoke. In a restaurant even! I’ve never even seen that in California. But weird, man.
Then we went home. Yeah, no real big story. We party shuffled the whole way home.
When we got home, we saw a sight.

Whoo sunset.
So, that night, while we were driving down from Lake Tahoe, my cousin Trissy, her friend and two stray dogs were hitch-hiking in some truck driver’s Semi-trailer. They were sleeping and the guy turned into a giant dick, and kicked them out in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, aka Bakersfield, California. So then my other cousin, Shauna—Trissy’s half sister—drove down to Bakersfield, which is no short ride by the way, and gave them a ride back to Slow-noma. I mean, Sonoma.
So then I go to school the next day, and mom asks if I want to go visit them up there, I say okay…
We go up there, and dad is building a fence in their back yard. Oh man, wait till you see how my dad looks now. He looks like a freaking burn victim. He got poison oak real bad, putting that fence in.
The weird part was, Trissanne and her friend were very rude the whole time we were there. They sat on my brand new glasses! I had a real bad day that day.
The gist of it was I was ignored by 3 women all day. And sure, maybe I’m related to two of them, and sure they’re all a bit older than me. But damnit I was still ignored, and it’s not good for a young man’s ego to be ignored by multiple women. And I didn’t get any kanji practice in. 私は幸せなかった。

Trissy playing Mario.
Here we all are.

And the next day, my mom and dad left for Palm Desert without me, cause I had school and a plane ticket for palm springs on Friday. So I got the house to myself for a while there. There’s something really nice about coming home from work, looking at your homework and pulling a Dude moment, and just say fuck it. I did that, watched The Big Lebowski, 千と千尋の神隠し (Spirited Away), and then Finding Nemo. And then before I went to bed, I got a phone call from the W. It was interesting, to say the least. Don’t really need to go into it now though.
And this brings me to today. The phone call with the W kept me up till 1:30 and I only got 4 hours sleep. All day I’ve been tired, nodding, ready to pass out. I made it though. I finished my Kanji test, and walked out to the train.

Does this mean that adults love to play in the sand too?

There’s nothing cool from that angle.
I got to the BART, and I saw this. This looks like an interesting movie.

I could be a movie star.

I don’t know why but this reminds me of a fat John Cusack.

Hey look, a tarmac.
Coming up next week: Just what went down in the desert. Look forward to it!

Hey, the flight attendant just gave me a tiny bag of Fisher Pretzels MINIS and a small glass of coke. *sips* Ahhh.
Yes, I am on an airplaine. Alaska Airlines flight 187. Wait, is that a bad sign? Was that dream I had back in the day some sort of omen? I have no idea. I'm not really a superstitious person though, so I'm not worried. Damn that coke is good. *snorts* Ahhh...
This is probably the shortest flight I've ever had the pleasure of riding. Like 1:01 flying time.
Now gangsta ass niggas come in all shapes and colors, some got killed in the past. Oh, last night I put a bunch of songs from my old computer onto this one. So I'm enjoying them. Ghetto Boys- Damn It Feels Good To Be a Gangster is what I just quoted, no I'm not a racist. I'm just quoting.
So what did I do to get here? Hey didn't I say I'd make a post about my last day in Lake Tahoe last week? Okay so I lied, I'm going to make it tonight. I can't really find my reference images while I'm on the plane, I'll have to wait 'till I get off the plane.
*Eats final Pretzels MINI and gulps down the last of soda* Ahhhhh.
As I look out the window, I can not see anything...I imagine the Pacific Ocean is over there, somewhere...
So wait, you might ask, "where the hell you going?" to that I'd say "Back up in yo' ass with the Resurrection."
Then I'd apologize, clear my throat, and say that I was going to visit my grandparents who are currently vacationing in Palm Springs, California. Mom and dad are already down there, enjoying themselves I'm sure. You know what sucks? It rained while they were there. Ain't that some shit? You go to the desert and it rains!? That's bullshit. Of course, before I got on the plane the lady said that the weather was all clear. At least for now. Should be interesting to see a wet desert.
Looking out the window a little closer, I can see some lights. I don't think those are boats. I can only imagine that now we are flying over the Central Valley, and that some pissant podunk town way out in the farmlands of California. I must say, 1 hour flight vs. 8 hour drive is really the way to go...wait though, maybe that's not...Damnit. I cant see down there. Some clouds are in the way.
Ooo turbulence. I like turbulence. As long as it's not the kind that'll like, kill you and crash the plane, I like it. It's like a roller coaster ride.
Woah, that's no hick town...there are quite a few lights over there...Not big enough to be anything really big though, it's not LA. I wonder if we'll even fly over LA. I kind of hope so, I don't know much about LA. It's a city that intrigues me. Damn my sentences are choppy tonight. I can't help it, this is what happens when you write down what you see out of the window. I guess my writing is always like this. If I really cared I could probably fix that...I'm not really paying attention to what i'm writing, I’m just staring out the window. If my writing has a lot of typos, that's why...
Damn! That fucking stewardess just threw away my cup with three ice cubes in it. I wasn't finished with that. I like ice. Oooh more turbulence. We're definitely not over the ocean.
I think I'm done with what of the post I'm going to write on the plane. Next time I write, I will be in (hopefully) sunny Palm Desert. We can hope, Eh?
Ahh, this is pretty weird. It’s all foggy out there. It looked like we were in fricking Los Angeles. Slick all over, wet and so on. It was cool though.
I’m now sitting in a chair in my uncle’s uh, winter? Summer? His house in Palm Desert. Pictures of this place will have to wait for another day, but, speaking of pictures, doesn’t that sound like a good time to recap what’s gone on in the last week or so? I do. So you do too, darnit.
As you recall I’m sure, we were in Lake Tahoe last weekend, and the morning we left, dad said “let’s go check out Nevada.” Maybe not in those words, but we did just that.

"Look, there’s a cash machine! Let’s play it!"
There is something really addictive about the sound a big hall filled with slot machines sound. I loved it. It honestly made me want to put a buck in one, but I resisted. Somehow.

Because we were in Nevada, it was legal to smoke. In a restaurant even! I’ve never even seen that in California. But weird, man.
Then we went home. Yeah, no real big story. We party shuffled the whole way home.
When we got home, we saw a sight.

Whoo sunset.
So, that night, while we were driving down from Lake Tahoe, my cousin Trissy, her friend and two stray dogs were hitch-hiking in some truck driver’s Semi-trailer. They were sleeping and the guy turned into a giant dick, and kicked them out in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere, aka Bakersfield, California. So then my other cousin, Shauna—Trissy’s half sister—drove down to Bakersfield, which is no short ride by the way, and gave them a ride back to Slow-noma. I mean, Sonoma.
So then I go to school the next day, and mom asks if I want to go visit them up there, I say okay…
We go up there, and dad is building a fence in their back yard. Oh man, wait till you see how my dad looks now. He looks like a freaking burn victim. He got poison oak real bad, putting that fence in.
The weird part was, Trissanne and her friend were very rude the whole time we were there. They sat on my brand new glasses! I had a real bad day that day.
The gist of it was I was ignored by 3 women all day. And sure, maybe I’m related to two of them, and sure they’re all a bit older than me. But damnit I was still ignored, and it’s not good for a young man’s ego to be ignored by multiple women. And I didn’t get any kanji practice in. 私は幸せなかった。

Trissy playing Mario.
Here we all are.

And this brings me to today. The phone call with the W kept me up till 1:30 and I only got 4 hours sleep. All day I’ve been tired, nodding, ready to pass out. I made it though. I finished my Kanji test, and walked out to the train.

Does this mean that adults love to play in the sand too?

There’s nothing cool from that angle.
I got to the BART, and I saw this. This looks like an interesting movie.

I could be a movie star.

I don’t know why but this reminds me of a fat John Cusack.

Coming up next week: Just what went down in the desert. Look forward to it!
I would *Love* to go to Great America. I haven't gone in so long.
Ooooh, me too me too! I haven't been there in forever either. :D
Hehe, I honestly would like to go though. Maybe someday.
Do they have great americas in north dakota?
Not that I've heard of but I'm not the most informed person in the world...
Then you've been to the one in California?
It's the only one I know of...
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