One of the
google ads showed that. *hint hint, click them you bastards. 'm broke.*
So, you might have noticed I have been lax on writing these so-called blog posts. I'm sorry.
Well, I guess ya'll don't care though. I mean, what, there are like a total of six regular readers for this blog? Who am I writing it for? Who's actually reading?
Sgt. Mongoose is probably the main reader of this here blog. And he's been busy with work and no sleep and a life and shit. So, he's not a major reader anymore, is he? I shouldn't keep writing this garbage, wasting his time.
Celey The Ego has sort of given up on the blogs it seems, even her own. With school and stuff in the way. So, she wouldn't be able to read.
Isabel? She seems to have school issues. Computer issues. Money issues. Work issues. Just issues. She needs some tissues. She was supposed to call me today and give me money so I could buy more chin poko mon...I mean...uh. Yeah. We got planning to do after all, you know. But in any case, she's not an avid my-blog reader. And I've seen her read this thing too, she doesn't click the links! And either she's a lightning fast reader or she's not reading but skimming! My blog was not meant to be skimmed over!
If I put a link in here, I expect at least 50% of you to click it. If I put an image in here, I expect 100% of you to look at it. Damnit.
Poopie? Dunno what happened with her. She seems to have...disapeared. Odd. Hope she's alright there, in the midwest.
There's another thing. Why's it called the midwest?
Does that look like it's the west at all? No!
So, does anyone else really read my blog? I can't imagine they do.
If you do, please...
POST A COMMENT!!!It's really much apriciated it.
I don't care if you came in here just because a search engine pointed you here because I wrote something about
Grand Theft Auto, Ice Cube, The Shining, HP Photo printers, or
Michael Moore.
Ahh!So, let's see. Welcome all you happy people. If you're not happy, well. Don't know what I can do for you.
I can post some pictures! I'll get to that soon.
So, another reason why I haven't updated in a while is because, well. Some shit has been going down over here. First thing I want to mention is I got a new computer.
With the exception of one minor thing, it's great. I love it.

One little thing...The cd/dvd reader/burner seems to have a problem, and I cant read cds or dvds with the damn thing. WTF? I know you're saying that. Well, I don't know why either. I just hope I can fix it without any major problems.
Other than that, the computer is excelent.
And now that it's running again, I love it. You should see more posts coming from this computer, as this is the first one. The laptop's use is going to Vut it hasn't been retired yet. Not by a long shot!
Moving on.
For my cinema class this week, I'm supposed to write a two to three page paper comparing these two films. if you'd like to see the assignment, even take a crack at it.
The two films are:
The Rice/Irwin Kiss, 1896
Kiss, Jaco Van Dormael, 1995
Both are less than a minute long quicktime clips. You can click them pretty safely.
So, they're cool, huh? Yeah. I liked the 1896 one better. But I'm sure I'll elaborate more on that in the paper. Also, I'm sure I'll share my paper with you all when I actually sit down and finish it.
So, now it's time for the photo blog. Damn I love how fast this computer is.
When last we left dad, he was having some poison oak troubles. Here's some progression on that.
Then one day, dad and I went to Berkeley and ate at Oscars (pictured above).
The next day, after mom picked me up from the BART, she told me we had to go see
Angela at Kimballs East, in Emeryville. So, I said okay. Mom seemed to think that Kimballs is this place that's all classy and shit, so she dressed up.
She made me dress up too.
The only person who didn't have to dress up was dad, who claimed to be in too much agony to go see Angela perform. And to add insult to injury, it was working at Angela's house that exposed him to all that nasty poison oak. So, okay fine. We left him at home.

There's the stage at Kimballs.

There's Shauna, Trissy and Me after the show, backstage. I altered the shadows a little bit.

There's Mom, Angie and Mom's Boss.

Why you shouldn't smoke.

Meanwhile, you can tell dad's in agony.
The next day was kind of crazy...All these people came over.
Trissy, her boyfriend from Wisconsin who she flew in, Angela, Irene, John the Gapp and Isabel. Wow, eh?

There's the design Isabel made, printed on a sweatshirt.

Trissy and her other half chalenging John the Gapp and my dad to a game of Bones.

Isabel in my room.
Yes...Later that week...
Dad had decided all by himself that he was sick of the crap that's currently being stored inside his crap van in the driveway. So he grabbed a bunch of it and tried to through it away. Luckily, I was there and got to save some stuff, but not all of it. Mom did loose some nice clothes, and it's a shame they couldn't have been given away, sold or whatever. Really it is. But anyway, here are some pictures on our trip to get rid of it for good. Later, he would empty the garage in a similar fashion, and that time I wasn't there, so who knows what he threw away, aparently some designer clothes he threw away. My dad is losing it.
As I was saying...

Glovebox of Marty's truck.

There were all these bugs flying around, this was the only picture I took where you could actually see them.


This one is probably my favorite picture from this "roll" (I group my pictures into rolls, usually abou 150 pictures in a roll)

Dad throwing away...

And enjoying it.

So now, dad's poison oak is begining to heal, as you can see. But...

Now he has a pretty big, bad staph infection.

Another part of dad's garbage brigade was the burning of this green dinosaur with wheels for feet. So sad...
And finaly, the last reason I haven't updated the blog in a little while.

I've got back into photography, with actual film, at least for a little while.And I'll try and show you those pictures soon enough. Anywho, jaa you guys. Its 4:20 in the evening! Time to light up!
Update! This is really funny, there's this show on showtime about the making of a remake of Refer Madness. Now, if you are familer with history, you might remember that there was a film called refer madness which is practically resposnible for the drug war as we know it today. Now they're re-making it, and it looks great, I'm sure.
The funniest part is, I'm watching this movie through a plume of smoke. Cause my mom is over there and smoking... Whoo.
We now continue with your regularly scheduled blog.