Eh, Take off you knob.
I was looking through my web referals and i found that I had been linked to by a
Sure, it was probably thanks to the blogger bar but still...
There's one post, which aparently is posted in August of 2006. hmm.
The worst part is they don't even have any nudist pictures!
Oh well.
My blog's been kind of neglected lately, and I'm sorry about that. My google ads have been too, because my last post must have confused it something terrible. Only been PSAs, and therefore no money for me. I'll live.
I wouldn't really be writing right now, except that I heard that Hunter S. Thompson killed himself.
This was devistating. I mean, sure, I only know about the guy from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. But that was a really good movie! He is also the basis for the character Duke from the Doonesbury comic strip.

Yeah. Go drugs.
Moving on, who'd like an Ed picture update? I know you would, let's get cracking.
Last I left you, I had just gone down to Palm Desert. So, now here is everything since then.

There's the plane I flew in.

My fro and the back of the plane.

The city of San Francisco!

The pool. Mmmm...

Hey, it's grandma! With eww.

There I am with a terrible smile on my face.

And my grandpa.

Dad showing us his poison oak.

Dad's poison oak getting worse.

You can tell he's in pain.

There's an example of how swolen his elbow was. Sorry it's shirtless.

Mountain and clouds.
I took that one as we left to go to breakfast and a kind of arts and crafts and sunglasses and golf equipment fair. And, well. It's a huge yuppie fair. Lots of old people. One thing I did while there was take a bunch of random pictures. Not even looking at what i was taking a picture of, just holding the camera at my thigh and pressing the button.

I took that one at random.
Isn't that amazing? An ass shot at random? Totally. Well, enjoy it you preverts out there. But if there's one thing I hate, it's a visual panty line. Course there are a lot of things I hate so...
Moving on.

Dad and I, you can kind of see the fair in the background.


Random toe socks.

Random Grandpa! There's grandpa on the right.

OH MY GOD! Tinkerbell is too fucking sexy. I'd lay on that beach towel any day...Man...*shakes head*

So then we went back to my uncle's second home. And I took some pictures through my sunglasses, so you can see the world with my eyes. Through Rose Colored Glasses, as it were.

Mom, dad, grandma and grandpa.
But then we had to go home, sadly. But not before I saw another baloon.

Windmills on the way out of palm springs.

Sunset on the road.
Then we made the long trip, but as the sun was down I put my camera away. I watched 4 or 5 good episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the back seat. Had a good time with that. Made a stop at the Harris Ranch and didn't even notice the rancid cow smell that usually goes with the stop there. I ate a steak. This is a big deal for me, cause I usually dont. I still cant get used to the idea of meat that is still pink on the inside. It freaks me out... Oh well. Then we got home not too long after that.

Dad's poison oak getting worse.

And mom. Looking, i dunno. Not great but, meh...
And this is last weekend. I didn't even go over what happened this weekend. I will be sure to do that in my next blog post. I will cover seeing angela perform. And, um. Shit, I guess that's all that happened.
Sure, it was probably thanks to the blogger bar but still...
There's one post, which aparently is posted in August of 2006. hmm.
The worst part is they don't even have any nudist pictures!
Oh well.
My blog's been kind of neglected lately, and I'm sorry about that. My google ads have been too, because my last post must have confused it something terrible. Only been PSAs, and therefore no money for me. I'll live.
I wouldn't really be writing right now, except that I heard that Hunter S. Thompson killed himself.
This was devistating. I mean, sure, I only know about the guy from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. But that was a really good movie! He is also the basis for the character Duke from the Doonesbury comic strip.

Yeah. Go drugs.
Moving on, who'd like an Ed picture update? I know you would, let's get cracking.
Last I left you, I had just gone down to Palm Desert. So, now here is everything since then.

There's the plane I flew in.

My fro and the back of the plane.

The city of San Francisco!

The pool. Mmmm...

Hey, it's grandma! With eww.

There I am with a terrible smile on my face.

And my grandpa.

Dad showing us his poison oak.

Dad's poison oak getting worse.

You can tell he's in pain.

There's an example of how swolen his elbow was. Sorry it's shirtless.

Mountain and clouds.

I took that one at random.
Isn't that amazing? An ass shot at random? Totally. Well, enjoy it you preverts out there. But if there's one thing I hate, it's a visual panty line. Course there are a lot of things I hate so...
Moving on.

Dad and I, you can kind of see the fair in the background.


Random toe socks.

Random Grandpa! There's grandpa on the right.

OH MY GOD! Tinkerbell is too fucking sexy. I'd lay on that beach towel any day...Man...*shakes head*

So then we went back to my uncle's second home. And I took some pictures through my sunglasses, so you can see the world with my eyes. Through Rose Colored Glasses, as it were.

Mom, dad, grandma and grandpa.
But then we had to go home, sadly. But not before I saw another baloon.

Windmills on the way out of palm springs.

Sunset on the road.
Then we made the long trip, but as the sun was down I put my camera away. I watched 4 or 5 good episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation in the back seat. Had a good time with that. Made a stop at the Harris Ranch and didn't even notice the rancid cow smell that usually goes with the stop there. I ate a steak. This is a big deal for me, cause I usually dont. I still cant get used to the idea of meat that is still pink on the inside. It freaks me out... Oh well. Then we got home not too long after that.

Dad's poison oak getting worse.

And mom. Looking, i dunno. Not great but, meh...
And this is last weekend. I didn't even go over what happened this weekend. I will be sure to do that in my next blog post. I will cover seeing angela perform. And, um. Shit, I guess that's all that happened.