Still getting the hang of these google ads.

I'm not sure what to think about the world wildlife federation...
At least they're not PETA, right? Right. Hmm.
So far, the google ads return are ads supposed to work if there aren't any links to pick? Could it be they only put in a certain number of ads depending on how many hits I get? Wouldn't that be weak? I said I wanted the big wide skyscrapper banner thing for my ads. I dont mind looking at the google ads, they don't look bad to me. So why is it there's only one link for the world wildlife federation over there? I never said anything about wildlife in this blog ever. Aren't they supposed to be context sensitive?
I don't know. Maybe, they only go for recent posts! Hmm...lets see what I can do about this.
Lets see, I want to talk about the Playstation 2! Cause I went to an EB Games yesterday and they didn't have any of the new slim PS2s! I've wanted one of these since I first read about them...Are they that popular? Do that many people still not have a PS2? Are there that many people out there just like me? I don't know. I want that damn slim ps2, and a copy of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Why? Because I love california, and this game is supposed to be like almost all California, with some Las Vagas mixed in. And I really don't have a lot of trouble with Las Vagas.
Damn though. I wish those ads would work. I wanna make some money! Even if its only 4 cents I wanna make those 4 cents!
But, if you look, you might find a google search bar on the right. I would use it if I were you, and didn't already have a google search bar on my mozilla firefox.
Damn I love firefox.
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