Why is my favorite website blocked by the West Contra Costa Unified School district, a website that is PG rated, has nothing to really warrent being blocked, where This Website lets me in no problem? I don't know and I think it sucks, but what can I do? It's district wide! It sucks!
And damm! Every single time this guy over here uses the cordless phone, I get disconnected from the network! What the hell? I'm supposed to have centrino! Not that I'm knocking centrino, I love centrino! It's been awesome. I love being able to get on the internet practicaly anywhere. I like having a 4 hour battery life in low power mode. I like these things! Woot centrino!
And damm! Every single time this guy over here uses the cordless phone, I get disconnected from the network! What the hell? I'm supposed to have centrino! Not that I'm knocking centrino, I love centrino! It's been awesome. I love being able to get on the internet practicaly anywhere. I like having a 4 hour battery life in low power mode. I like these things! Woot centrino!

Also, I have decided to click blogger's tempting offer to Google's AdSense thing. Aparently they're reviewing my website now for some reason or another. I hope they accept me, cause I think it would be the most awesome thing if this random writing of mine can be used to generate any kind of revenue. If there were some relevant non-intruesive google ad's down there on the right, would anyone mind? They wont be pop-ups. If you get a pop-up from my blog here, you're either not using the right browser or you've got some bad spyware on your computer...and I'd run ad-aware right now. But I still think it would be cool. I'll make the google ads look cool, and you might even wanna click em every now and then. Well, you do if you want me to get any money for it. I'd love you forever if you got me a check from google. I think I'd even buy google stock with it! Wouldn't that be cool? Damn right it would!
Course, for me to make even the minimum ammount for them to send me a check, you'd have to do a lot of clicks I bet. But in any case, it probably wont be here for a couple days. You got time to enjoy my blog ad-free for a while here. Enjoy!
I love goooooogle!
Course, for me to make even the minimum ammount for them to send me a check, you'd have to do a lot of clicks I bet. But in any case, it probably wont be here for a couple days. You got time to enjoy my blog ad-free for a while here. Enjoy!
I love goooooogle!

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