So, it apears the north shall not rise again.
God damn Kerry. Conceeding after one night! What a loser. If bush was losing he'd have Karl Rove challenge all sorts of results, until he's the winner!
I'm so sick of ths whole damn country. YOU PEOPLE ARE MORONS!
Gosh ...
I'm so disillusioned right now. It's not even funny. I actually thought this year would be different. Shows how much I know.
I think this is the end of my voting career. I realize that things probably wouldn't be better if Kerry had won, but damnit, its like a slap in the face. How can all you people be against gay marriage? How can all you people like how the president has handled terroism in this country? How can you support this man after he sent our boys off to die in the wrong friggin' country? How? I'd like to hear your reasoning behind electing this evil person.
I'm so sick of ths whole damn country. YOU PEOPLE ARE MORONS!
Gosh ...
I'm so disillusioned right now. It's not even funny. I actually thought this year would be different. Shows how much I know.
I think this is the end of my voting career. I realize that things probably wouldn't be better if Kerry had won, but damnit, its like a slap in the face. How can all you people be against gay marriage? How can all you people like how the president has handled terroism in this country? How can you support this man after he sent our boys off to die in the wrong friggin' country? How? I'd like to hear your reasoning behind electing this evil person.

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