Ahh... Election Day.
So...What does cause storms on Saturn?
Ah well, it's election day and I'm sitting here in my underwear. I'm sure most of you didn't need to know that second part, but what can I do about it now? And you do need to know the first part. And I couldn't, in good conscience, mention one thing without the other.
I don't have the full on formula yet, however, I do have some ground rules.
I'll list them as I come up with them.
One: A picture in every post no matter what. Whether it comes from me, or somewhere else on the vastness of the internet, I have to have a picture with every post or I can't post it.
Two: Try to have a funny link in the title of the post. Maybe not a funny one, but some link that's interesting. And not just some link to google or whatever...
sort of a rule: Try to be funny and entertaining. I don't want you reading garbage you don't want to read about. And if I do, I better make it damn entertaining for you.
And thats all the rules I've come up with. More on format later.
Ah well, it's election day and I'm sitting here in my underwear. I'm sure most of you didn't need to know that second part, but what can I do about it now? And you do need to know the first part. And I couldn't, in good conscience, mention one thing without the other.
I don't have the full on formula yet, however, I do have some ground rules.
I'll list them as I come up with them.
One: A picture in every post no matter what. Whether it comes from me, or somewhere else on the vastness of the internet, I have to have a picture with every post or I can't post it.
Two: Try to have a funny link in the title of the post. Maybe not a funny one, but some link that's interesting. And not just some link to google or whatever...
sort of a rule: Try to be funny and entertaining. I don't want you reading garbage you don't want to read about. And if I do, I better make it damn entertaining for you.
And thats all the rules I've come up with. More on format later.

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