木曜日, 11月 04, 2004

Devin Goodman

Ok, so how are you going to explain this one huh? Actually, I think it looks pretty good on ya, ya know? I would get one...but they're almost 40 dollars and they probably wont even fit me. God damn people. How many people who would buy a shirt with a picture of caffene on it are going to fit into a 2X shirt? That's ridiculus.

Pisses me off. Why am I so fat? Sigh.

Also, aparently, Brimzero will start back up on November 19th. Hey, what can I do. I've never actually sat down and read the comic, cause he's got all the archives in a zip file. And, I don't like to download that many comics at once, damnit.

I guess he doesn't have the bandwith to have all his comics up at the same time. What can I do? I dunno. But, hey, I'll give it a shot on the 19th. You might like it too. We'll see.

Don't say I never did anything for you, Devin.