木曜日, 11月 04, 2004

I've got my computer at work today!

Should make things more fun...And on to...

THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF Edward T. Vincent!!!


* Got out of bed
* Took a shower
* Brushed my teeth
* Packed my computer
* Drove to work.

These things all happened to me today.
These things are all true.

I figured if I was gonna be bloggin', I might as well use my own damn computer. Also, there's been a couple problems with computer usage while working, and...well...this is a remedy. So yay!

I figure I might as well go over Jasmine's trip to SF on election day. Lets go!


Let's start from the begining.

The cat that visited my house on halloween night. Yeah, too bad we had to kill it.

You wanna vote? Well, get in line bitch!

"I can't believe my vote didn't count!"

A woman asleep...IN THE LIBRARY! This isn't your bed, bitch! Sorry for saying bitch so much. I mean it in a good way!

Me, waiting for jasmine to vote

Damn, Jasmine, don't you wear a bra?

I don't think there's any meaning behind this picture.

One of the reasons I hate Old Navy.

Jasmine's Mom's Nasty Noodles.

A nice SF electrical car!

David the wire worker! My dad does stuff like this. He doesn't sell it on the street though, cause he's um...chicken? lazy? I dunno.

Jasmine on the train!

Me and Jasmine on the train.

Nice election day sunset.

My human biology teacher.

And, well. That's it! Hope you enjoyed it!