Animals Close Up With A Wide Angle Lens
Now playing: Eminem - Puke
Recorded in July, the pictures show two sides of Uranus (careful how you pronounce that ...).
Hahaha, astronomers made a funny!
Moving on...
*3 hours later*
Well I was distracted! By what? Why, fuckin' Iron Chef!
Indeed. It was not a bad episode, but I didn't get anything out of it tonight. However there was one food that, appeared like something I might actually eat. Iron Chef Sakai made something that looked like jello with cream on it, but ruined it by putting okra in it. Turns out I probably wouldn't have liked it anyway, as that cream was actually blended yams. Um...Yum? No. Sorry. I love potatoes but I don't care for yams.
Now, Iron Chef ends at 12. Why is it I'm just now finishing this post? Simple. Charlie Rose.
I love Charlie Rose. He's gotta be one of the best interviewers on television, if not the best.
And, he had not one guest this week, but 4.
Who were the guests?
Terry S. Semel
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer at
Yahoo! Inc.
Woah! If that's not enough, guess who's next!
John T. Chambers
President, Chief Executive Officer, Director at
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Paul S Otellini
President, Chief Operating Officer, Director at
Intel Corporation
Recorded in July, the pictures show two sides of Uranus (careful how you pronounce that ...).
Hahaha, astronomers made a funny!
Moving on...
*3 hours later*
Well I was distracted! By what? Why, fuckin' Iron Chef!

Indeed. It was not a bad episode, but I didn't get anything out of it tonight. However there was one food that, appeared like something I might actually eat. Iron Chef Sakai made something that looked like jello with cream on it, but ruined it by putting okra in it. Turns out I probably wouldn't have liked it anyway, as that cream was actually blended yams. Um...Yum? No. Sorry. I love potatoes but I don't care for yams.

Now, Iron Chef ends at 12. Why is it I'm just now finishing this post? Simple. Charlie Rose.
I love Charlie Rose. He's gotta be one of the best interviewers on television, if not the best.
And, he had not one guest this week, but 4.
Who were the guests?

Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer at
Yahoo! Inc.
Woah! If that's not enough, guess who's next!

President, Chief Executive Officer, Director at
Cisco Systems, Inc.

President, Chief Operating Officer, Director at
Intel Corporation
Eric Schmidt
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Chief Executive Officer, Director at
Google Inc.

Eric Schmidt
Chairman of the Executive Committee, Chief Executive Officer, Director at
Google Inc.

That's right. A dream team of technology people. The main thing I heard from them was that America wont be the technology leader, and we're already behind in broadband penetration and so on. Kind of sucks, don't it?
Write a letter to your congressman or woman, and say "I want broadband damnit" maybe not in those words. Why? Because the Gov'ment needs to do something for us to stay competitive with the rest of the world. The same thing happened to England about 100 years ago with the industrial revolution. We're here in the information revolution, and we need to stay caught up.
Revolutions are bloody people, lets stay caught up.
Sorry for boring you with buisness and stuff, but I thought it was a really facinating program.
Also, earlier I saw a really good episode of South Park. It was really good because it really wasn't nasty at all. No bad language, no horrible violence. It was good. You should really check it out, it is a good example of what is wrong with television news, and it is a powerful statement about America. Basically, the message of the show was that half the country is high on cough syrup.
You go girl.
Oh and I wanna close this post with the CIRCLEVISION 360 RIG.
Yes. You are scared of it. It is frightening.
I love it.
Look at that thing. Can you imagine what that'd look like projected in some sort of planetarium type place? That'd be awesome! Maybe someday, we'll see it used...or not, looks expensive and complicated. But still, look at that ! That's coool!
Write a letter to your congressman or woman, and say "I want broadband damnit" maybe not in those words. Why? Because the Gov'ment needs to do something for us to stay competitive with the rest of the world. The same thing happened to England about 100 years ago with the industrial revolution. We're here in the information revolution, and we need to stay caught up.
Revolutions are bloody people, lets stay caught up.
Sorry for boring you with buisness and stuff, but I thought it was a really facinating program.
Also, earlier I saw a really good episode of South Park. It was really good because it really wasn't nasty at all. No bad language, no horrible violence. It was good. You should really check it out, it is a good example of what is wrong with television news, and it is a powerful statement about America. Basically, the message of the show was that half the country is high on cough syrup.
You go girl.
Oh and I wanna close this post with the CIRCLEVISION 360 RIG.

Yes. You are scared of it. It is frightening.
I love it.
Look at that thing. Can you imagine what that'd look like projected in some sort of planetarium type place? That'd be awesome! Maybe someday, we'll see it used...or not, looks expensive and complicated. But still, look at that ! That's coool!
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